- on alessagoreng's photo
- on Panty Peeler in ass appreciation
- on batatinna's page
- on lexus's photo
- on liddell's post on xaeromaxximus's page
- on natalee's post on xaeromaxximus's page
This is another few photos from last Friday's big adventure. I recently turned 21 & hadn't gone to a bar or any clubs until that night. Pictured (above) is my good friend Way Way who actually runs the club & spins tunes regularly. Pictured below is Way Way & Justin Prime himself. As well as myself on the left, I have undergone a rather massive
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Hello my lovelies!
I hope you have all been absolutely fantastic. I've been riding the rollercoaster of life. Faring rather well aside from the storms that have crossed my paths as of late. Nothing can keep me down for long, nothing can wipe the smile from my face, nor the sweat from my brow, no one except for me myself. I will stand tall, unfaltering
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Without further ado;
This is my baby! The Emerald Green, 1993 Dodge Shadow ES, 3.0 V6, 5-Speed on the right. It's an older car, it has it's flaws, but man, she really is a gem. <3 I'm having so much fun bringing it back to life & customizing it to my liking. Who knew I was so mechanically inclined all my life? Haha.
Decided to...
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My, my, my! It has been far too long, my lovely companions! I am deeply sorry for my absence. I have been above & beyond productive as of late, though! I finally got my first car for one! An ol' Dodge Shadow, 1993 V6, 5 Speed! It's been so much fun to work on at my shop. Tis a very large portion of my reason...
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It was really slow at my place of employment & what do most people do when they are bored? Take pictures. :D
After all...
How could you resist a man in uniform? 3:)
Hello everyone! Another long day in the lubery. (I work as a Mechanic, so that's what I call my shop, haha) Just got off work not long ago, & just finished helping a friend after. Figured I'd say hello to all my friends of the SG community. :)
I have been endlessly curious about something since I joined, & am interested in what others think...
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Hello everyone! Hope you're all keeping warm throughout this everlasting frost. It is so chilly where I am! & Where I work, it's basically a wind tunnel, so it's 10x colder! Haha.
What are everyone's plans for this festive holiday season? :)
I find the energy this time of year to be quite pleasant. I only wish it were a more common occurrence to see...
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My name is Max, I currently work as a Mechanic at a small shop, I make music in my free time, & I love the finer arts.
Still relatively new to this site, I am greatly enjoying the lovely community here.

Feel free to add me, I love making new friends.

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