so the haunted house starts up this weekend i dont know if i will be going but prolly will.I went to a really cool one last year they put Padding on the walls had bloody doctors and people in straight jackets and 32 year old woman dressed as a little girl holding a teddy bear and mumbling to herself while walking in a circle....I love crazies. I'm having nightmares again i find them preferable to good dreams..I can see through a good dream easily but bad dreams you don't stop to think "hey this is a dream that creature can't hurt me.." you use your insticts which say" Get the fuck outta here think later!!!!" I'm always worried i'm gonna wake up in a nuthouse one day and realize all my traveling and fun and friends are in my head I'm just a poor abused boy who shut down when he was 5 and created a happy universe for himself...oh well enjoy it while i can...
You want me to do a set where I dress up like Mr. T?
I love the intro!! But what does Mr. T dress like!?