Umm yeah so I've been in Jacksonville visiting my siter for awhile now i'm back off to orlando again For The Smallville Drinking Game!!!!! It is a good time for all...Then on thursday i'm heading back home Finally... I've had fun but it will be nice to be home again....Then i will see how long it last satying in one pace for awhile..before i return to florida for christmas...uggghhh i know i'm tired of Florida too but this time its the whole family thing to visit my sis so i will be stuck in family togetherness...Who will save my soul?

Have you thought up any names yet for me? I'm still debating whether or not to change it.
What the smallville drinking game?
and yeah when you're alone too much you can't talk to people. you are saying things in your head but they aren't coming out. and then your eye starts twitching and you may start drooling. but of course that may just be me