RIght now is just a quick reminder Sept 19th is talk like a pirate day...Thats sunday so enjoy the newest holiday while you can.Arrrrrr will type more later.
10 Bands You Have Seen Live:
-The Mighty Might Bosstones
-Liz Phair
-The Supreme Beings of Leisure
-Bob Dylan
-Counting Crows
-Erika Badu
-NO Doubt
-The Wallflowers
9 Things You Are Looking Forward To:
-My European Vacation
-Jem's Set
-DespairFactor's Set
-Manda's Set
-My Immortality
-Working on a movie again
-Another Poison Set
-Seeing the only four States i haven't been in yet
8 Things You Wear Daily:
-Pants or shorts
-Socks (if in shoes)
-Sandals (no socks)
-a smile
-a hat sometimes
7 Things That Annoy You:
-Pop ups
-people driving slow in the left lane
-cell phones ringing during movies
-the guy standing behind me
-My lack of motivation
6 Things You Touch Everyday:
-My self (not that way you pervs)
-My self (now that way
-the infinate darkness
-your heart
-upon the love of all mankind
5 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:
-Chasing Amy
-Girl Next Door
-Garden State
-Lost and delirious
-Bend it like Beckham
4 People You Want to Spend More Time With:
-Kevin Maguire
-Ryan Boatwrite
-Holly Murch
-Laura Sisco
3 CD's You Last Listened To:
-Everclear - Songs from an American movie
-Stealing Beauty soundtrack
-Punska - Covered Up
2 Favorite Songs:
-Liz Phair - Rocket Boy - Stealing Beauty Soundtrack
-The Dandy Warhols - We Used to be Friends - Welcome to the Monkey House
1 Person You Could Spend The Rest of Your Life With:
-Status Unknown

10 Bands You Have Seen Live:
-The Mighty Might Bosstones
-Liz Phair
-The Supreme Beings of Leisure
-Bob Dylan
-Counting Crows
-Erika Badu
-NO Doubt
-The Wallflowers
9 Things You Are Looking Forward To:
-My European Vacation
-Jem's Set
-DespairFactor's Set
-Manda's Set
-My Immortality
-Working on a movie again
-Another Poison Set
-Seeing the only four States i haven't been in yet
8 Things You Wear Daily:
-Pants or shorts
-Socks (if in shoes)
-Sandals (no socks)
-a smile
-a hat sometimes
7 Things That Annoy You:
-Pop ups
-people driving slow in the left lane
-cell phones ringing during movies
-the guy standing behind me
-My lack of motivation
6 Things You Touch Everyday:
-My self (not that way you pervs)
-My self (now that way

-the infinate darkness
-your heart
-upon the love of all mankind
5 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:
-Chasing Amy
-Girl Next Door
-Garden State
-Lost and delirious
-Bend it like Beckham
4 People You Want to Spend More Time With:
-Kevin Maguire
-Ryan Boatwrite
-Holly Murch
-Laura Sisco
3 CD's You Last Listened To:
-Everclear - Songs from an American movie
-Stealing Beauty soundtrack
-Punska - Covered Up
2 Favorite Songs:
-Liz Phair - Rocket Boy - Stealing Beauty Soundtrack
-The Dandy Warhols - We Used to be Friends - Welcome to the Monkey House
1 Person You Could Spend The Rest of Your Life With:
-Status Unknown
wait....i wasn't supposed to let anyone know about my plank. CURSES!!!
lol! Okay, I dunno, I can't really talk like a pirate I guess! But yeah, I will defiantely be dressing up like one!