I'm off to Scarborough Faire.I will be back on Monday night.I hope you all have the greatest of weekends. Much love to the crew.In order of joining the team Manda,Jem,RxQueen,Poison, and honorable mention Orgasmatron I hope this weekend is filled with love, warmth and happiness.I'm so tired I'm feeling compassionate when I feel energized I'm full of hate bile and humor.So enjoy it while you can.
my gangsta half-nakedness brings all men and other form of life together in great harmony.
I'm glad to see of your return.
Oh the slytherin slutness is vastly amazing i assure you.
I hope you didn't have to use the Rage(tm) while you were away.
your story made the brain sucking less of a sucky adventure.
I wish i could fuck a hooker with jesus.