So i t was a rather boring weekend. Outside the fact of meeting a really cool new friend
not much happened.Today i had to go in and open the store so my brother could spend a little more time with the inlaws before they returned home. Who hangs with the inlaws? So my happy ass was out of bed at 5:30 in the a.m and at work by 6.Man it has been a long day. tonight i'm gonna relax maybe chat alittle and get a good night sleep, thanks to my friend J.D. Mr. Daniels this songs for you. "I love you more today than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow'. Oh well,let see any fast and stupid story i can tell? one time i was out riding my bicycle,i was i don't know like 10 or something. Anyway so i get to main street and see these two cars coming same speed opposite directions and my brakes fail.So i'm sure this is it so i close my eyes and wait for the impact.Nothing happens so i open them again when i do i see i made it across safetly but at that time i also see a telephone pole up close and personal like.good times.

My weekend was pretty boring as well...