So today I'm going with a couple friends to a hotel pool. Sounded fun to me.. thought kind of... sketchy.. but it's all good. I've been up all morning trying to upload all my CDs to my new iTunes thingie.. deal. Even thought I don't have an iPod, it's okay. I really want one thought.. they look pretty spiffy.. I think I recall my friend telling me that they have this new one that you can store pictures on it. Which made me think.. Do they have a little attachment camera thing? If so. I want it. That would make me so happy.. Hah. So anyways.. My friend's on lock-down because she's obligated to go to her aunt's funeral dinner dealy. I'm glad she's going though.. because I'm sure it means a lot to her mom an such. Anyways..
I was thinking about my movie this morning while updating my music. And I was thinking about asking Ryan if he could help me with some of the technical edit-ness that I'll have to be doing. I mean.. I'm pretty good with computers if I do say so myself. But there's going to be some stuff that's going to be ass-hard for me to do.. So.. I need help. I really want to start recording by next week if possible. My mom said her co-worker Mark would lend be some of his equiptment. But that be terrific.
I'm going to Bethesda today. Hurrah! I can give my bum some treats. I felt really bad because last time I saw him, he got beaten up really bad.. and so me and Katie got him some ice, and saltines, and wet ones. ^-^ I was happy.. but I felt bad because I'm sure it doesn't feel too good for random people to give you pitty.. But I really want to help him out.
Everyone deserves a chance
Anyways.. I'm pretty done. I need to call Katie.<3
Man am I jealous that she has a boyfriend now. But she loves him.. So I'll have to deal..
<3 Jesh.
I was thinking about my movie this morning while updating my music. And I was thinking about asking Ryan if he could help me with some of the technical edit-ness that I'll have to be doing. I mean.. I'm pretty good with computers if I do say so myself. But there's going to be some stuff that's going to be ass-hard for me to do.. So.. I need help. I really want to start recording by next week if possible. My mom said her co-worker Mark would lend be some of his equiptment. But that be terrific.
I'm going to Bethesda today. Hurrah! I can give my bum some treats. I felt really bad because last time I saw him, he got beaten up really bad.. and so me and Katie got him some ice, and saltines, and wet ones. ^-^ I was happy.. but I felt bad because I'm sure it doesn't feel too good for random people to give you pitty.. But I really want to help him out.
Everyone deserves a chance
Anyways.. I'm pretty done. I need to call Katie.<3
Man am I jealous that she has a boyfriend now. But she loves him.. So I'll have to deal..
<3 Jesh.
iPods are really overrated... and ridiculously overpriced. I'll spare you my rant on that, but suffice to say you'd probably be better off with a hard drive based Rio or Creative mp3 player instead of an iPod, camera or no.
O dag, someone else from the Sprung!