Ugggh, I hate the beginning of the school year. I don't know if I should just pack up the kids' summer clothes, or leave 'em out cause it's still so flippin' hot. I cleaned out bedrooms and hung up 1/2 the summer clothes, giving the rest away, I guess. Should have a garage sale.
Speaking of....
I found a treasure of a garage sale today where I found lots of costume jewelry to incorporate in my collages. I'm so excited, now if only I'd have the energy to work on something other than cleaning my house.
I whacked off all my hair, and put burgandy highlights in it. A LOT of highlights. I like it. I can tell the red isn't going to last very long, tho. Never does.
I better get to bed.
Speaking of....
I found a treasure of a garage sale today where I found lots of costume jewelry to incorporate in my collages. I'm so excited, now if only I'd have the energy to work on something other than cleaning my house.
I whacked off all my hair, and put burgandy highlights in it. A LOT of highlights. I like it. I can tell the red isn't going to last very long, tho. Never does.
I better get to bed.

I love garage/yard sales. Sometimes you can get some great things. I never liked having yard sales though. I was always put in charge, and my family members would set the prices on the items they were selling, WAY too high. And because I got to be in charge, I had to deal with the people trying to haggle. it sucked! haha. It is a good way to make some cash though.