im trying to update and stick around alot longer and be more active many things have been taking there toll on my life its not even fair nor funny...but its all good im back now...hello everyone
never really was dead just stepped out for a moment but thngs are so much better now...a new place to is cheap...job is is still going strong...also working a second job at 2 different bars on the weekends as a DJ..only bad news is...the band is having trouble finding a new bass player.....
did you know that you're a captivating, intoxicating individual? that birds suddenly appear everytime you are near? and choruses of angels sing hymns to your bonny face? did you know that?
Me Oh Mi Oh well holy fuck its been too long Im sorry to have not been able to update this sucker as much as want too....For i yet again have no Internet... ive recently moved in with some friends and we are slowly getting it together...we have cable hahah thats a start....... got my van on the road and a road trip s in... Read More
so yeah i am here @ Cain's new apartment fucking awesome she rules me..... she owns me!!!! she asked me when we are gonna do another set? i have a feeling i am gonna lose my SG membership i cant renew but i can always tattoo the mark and get it for life its just a matter of getting the time to selfinflict it... Read More
Well i have more new ink and no pictures of anything i have gotten from before all the way up to earlier today....hmm i guess itw as yesterday pending your timezone so tuesday night i fired up the good ol homade gun to take a test run on myself i believe it came out pretty damn good.... and today i had a failed oppoinment with... Read More
Hey nice set man everyone seems to like it pretty well. Why don't you email missy and see if photographers get any thing for being photographers? Like extended memebership, for example. Your one year mark is coming up in September if I'm not mistaken. (oh wait) you dont have the internet anymore, so it doesn't matter!