i am back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bloody hell! cant believe how long it has taken to for the net to get sorted! but to be honest...i guess i wouldnt have got much done here if we had have had the net, so kinda a blessing in disguise.
its been hectic, trying to get things done when you have a 6 month old(very soon to be 7 month old)...
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bloody hell! cant believe how long it has taken to for the net to get sorted! but to be honest...i guess i wouldnt have got much done here if we had have had the net, so kinda a blessing in disguise.
its been hectic, trying to get things done when you have a 6 month old(very soon to be 7 month old)...
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Congrats! that must be the best feeling i the world right there.
I can't wait to come and hang out with you and your little family there, it is going to be such fun! XD
I can't wait to come and hang out with you and your little family there, it is going to be such fun! XD
COngrats - I love it!!! Your fire place looks so warm and cozy!
we get the keys tommorrow at 9 am!!!!!!!!
ill take my camera, and take pics so that you guys can see the house before we pile it full of stuff!!
then i will probably be without the net for couple of days....but once thats sorted i shall let you know how we are getting on.
ill take my camera, and take pics so that you guys can see the house before we pile it full of stuff!!
then i will probably be without the net for couple of days....but once thats sorted i shall let you know how we are getting on.

YAY well done!
i can't wait to see photos of the house. good luck with your move.
packing things up makes it all seem real....i cant beleive im gonna be leaving this house.
ive been in it for 6 years......6 fucking years.
alot of memories were made here, some good, some live changing, but most of them were bad, im looking forward to making new ones in the new place.
im glad we started a while ago packing up...cos there isnt so...
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ive been in it for 6 years......6 fucking years.
alot of memories were made here, some good, some live changing, but most of them were bad, im looking forward to making new ones in the new place.
im glad we started a while ago packing up...cos there isnt so...
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i kind of agree, if it wasnt for sentimental people then old things that most people thru away would not be around today and old houses and stuff like that may not still be around.
Thanks, I'm not sure if I'll be doing it though
nevermind....fucking thing turns out to be 10,000 instead....the first price was just the starting fee....
brians mum and dad said they would get out a 12,000 loan to cover the cost and also to help us out with money while we lost out on benefits whule brian trained....which means with interest....over the length of time we could be looking at paying back over 15,000....
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brians mum and dad said they would get out a 12,000 loan to cover the cost and also to help us out with money while we lost out on benefits whule brian trained....which means with interest....over the length of time we could be looking at paying back over 15,000....
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What are you going to do? DevilsReject is right, it really is a long term investment, just a shame its so expensive. Is there no way he can get any government assistance to cover the training costs? Are there any less expensive courses at all or could he try line up an apprenticeship?
That is bullshit. Over here he'd get given a grant for it no probs because they're trying to get 'older' people re-trained and back into the workforce.
I hope you guys can find a way to fund this because its the kind of job where he'll never be out of work.
I hope you guys can find a way to fund this because its the kind of job where he'll never be out of work.
ok so....that plumbing thing?.....brians mum has offered him the chance to do it.
she wants to get out a loan to pay for the course ( and we pay back in installments)
so......brians gonna go for it.
this could change everything
she wants to get out a loan to pay for the course ( and we pay back in installments)

so......brians gonna go for it.
this could change everything

Relevance FAIL!

Relevance FAIL!
4 days left......yep im counting down the days.
i just cant wait for a new start, change of scenery, its gonna be a new start in more ways than one.
my life is gonna change with this move....i can feel it in my bones.
its alovely sunny day today, i think i will take louis out for a walk.
i just cant wait for a new start, change of scenery, its gonna be a new start in more ways than one.
my life is gonna change with this move....i can feel it in my bones.
its alovely sunny day today, i think i will take louis out for a walk.
I'm glad you liked it! it is good to make an impact on people!
mUch lOve Bones
mUch lOve Bones
I soon hope to have a house of my own, I really hope having a house will change things for me to, I kind of like where I live, but me and my roommates are on different schedules, when I get up they are gone, when I get home from work they are either in bed or not far from it, so I have to be kind of quit all the time, I would like to have a place where I can blast some music and play my movies where I can hear them, I would also like to have a place where writers and artists can meet to talk about their work.
I soon hope to have a house of my own, I really hope having a house will change things for me to, I kind of like where I live, but me and my roommates are on different schedules, when I get up they are gone, when I get home from work they are either in bed or not far from it, so I have to be kind of quit all the time, I would like to have a place where I can blast some music and play my movies where I can hear them, I would also like to have a place where writers and artists can meet to talk about their work.
we get a new fridge today, its a cost we totally could have done without, but....we remembered that the fridge that is in this house was here when we got here, so we had to buy one.
not long now untill we get the keys! 5 days!!!!!!!!!!!!
brians hand is getting better and better, which is great cos he is now able to help me...
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not long now untill we get the keys! 5 days!!!!!!!!!!!!
brians hand is getting better and better, which is great cos he is now able to help me...
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Ah, Americans everything has to be bigger and better ha ha.
Still an ice maker is a great idea
Still an ice maker is a great idea

Wow that sounds like a lot of money, I wish there was a way that he could get the money so he could go thru training for that job.
Well you have got to do what you have got to do, it is something that you really need, its not like a big screen TV or anything, it is a big item but it is one that you really have to have.
I hope he is all healed up soon.
What is a scent ghost?
Well you have got to do what you have got to do, it is something that you really need, its not like a big screen TV or anything, it is a big item but it is one that you really have to have.
I hope he is all healed up soon.
What is a scent ghost?
fuck it.....the plumber thing is out of the window.
brian rang up to see if we could get some sort of training grant thing at the jobcentre.....nope!
and they wouldnt give him a grant anyway cos of his age! bloody hell!!!! hes only 36!!!!
fucking hell.....blah
brian rang up to see if we could get some sort of training grant thing at the jobcentre.....nope!
and they wouldnt give him a grant anyway cos of his age! bloody hell!!!! hes only 36!!!!
fucking hell.....blah
I understand it all, it's just mind numbing, and completely useless. what we are learning now is the raw coding of the microprocessor. No one uses raw coding, there are programs and compilers that they use. It's just extremely tedious and i get a bit stifled because of the other classes.
what plumber thing are you talking about?
you would think they would be more willing to give older people money to better themselves, even if he isnt that old, it just isnt right for them to not give him money so he can have a better life.
you would think they would be more willing to give older people money to better themselves, even if he isnt that old, it just isnt right for them to not give him money so he can have a better life.
brian went for an interview the other day.
to go on a course to train as a plumber...and then the company he went for the interview with would baisically give the opportunites of work, by sending you to different companies etc.
he got accepted.
no all we need to do is fine the 4500 fee.
to go on a course to train as a plumber...and then the company he went for the interview with would baisically give the opportunites of work, by sending you to different companies etc.
he got accepted.
no all we need to do is fine the 4500 fee.

As long as you let me buy the cakes and they do big fat mugs of strong tea, then yeah, I'm there!! (With Tessie too of course!!) Hehe
Wow, 4,500 is a ridiculous amount of money love, is there no other way he can do it? Surely with him being out of work you're entitled to some form of free training etc.?
It doesn't matter which way you turn in this bloody country, they fucking shaft us all right up the arse in front of everyone, it's a fucking disgrace!! xx
Wow, 4,500 is a ridiculous amount of money love, is there no other way he can do it? Surely with him being out of work you're entitled to some form of free training etc.?
It doesn't matter which way you turn in this bloody country, they fucking shaft us all right up the arse in front of everyone, it's a fucking disgrace!! xx
That sucks about the huge fee, do they not have any kind of subsidy thing? I know that here the government cant pay for re-training if you're unemployed. Hopefully you can get the money or arrange a payment plan - something so he can go do the course.
That sucks about the huge fee, do they not have any kind of subsidy thing? I know that here the government cant pay for re-training if you're unemployed. Hopefully you can get the money or arrange a payment plan - something so he can go do the course.
Les is the main dude in the band Primus
I love Louis eyes!!!!!!!!!!! Ethan used to have the most stunning blue eyes, now they've turned into some colour I can't recognise. They look blue/green/grey haha

I love Louis eyes!!!!!!!!!!! Ethan used to have the most stunning blue eyes, now they've turned into some colour I can't recognise. They look blue/green/grey haha

Well he looks like he is enjoying that bit of toast.
LOL he looks very surprised in the bow photo.
That is less then a week away, it will fly by, wish I were moving into a house of my own.
LOL that is cute, he is going to be a class clown.
LOL he looks very surprised in the bow photo.
That is less then a week away, it will fly by, wish I were moving into a house of my own.
LOL that is cute, he is going to be a class clown.
i saw a friend today, my oldest female friend, who ive known since we were like 10....we totally grew up together, went through all the awkward stuff together, first kisses, etc....
it was really good seeing her. she came round and it has been a good few years since i last saw her.
its defo a time for change, i miss my old self, in...
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it was really good seeing her. she came round and it has been a good few years since i last saw her.
its defo a time for change, i miss my old self, in...
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im really glad you got to see one of your old friends, there is nothing like seeing old friends that you have not seen in years.
Apparently he's doing better, but probably wont be out of the hospital for a few days.
I'm pretty chuffed about the dentist. Most other places wanted to charge me at least $700 per tooth for the wisdom teeth at a minimum, so I'm saving a whole lot just on that.
And I think my mum makes most reasonable people want to vomit