This past week
Current mood: loved
- What have I learned over the past week...
1. How simple life can be.
2. How easy it is to help someone when they do their best to try and ignore you.
3. That both the Rebel and Empire "grunts" can actully be used, heh. (SWBF)
4. And most importantly, how easy it is to fall in love. Not lust, not "like", not " I hope we can be together sometime"... but love.
How do I know I AM in love?
I can't go 5 mins w/o thinking of her or wanting to call her JUST to hear her voice. I actually do PDA which I NEVER do unless I'm 100% serious. I haven't once thought about "her". I melt everytime she calls me "baby". I almost come to tears when I say I love her. I have NEVER felt this happy...
Am I setting myself up for a huge disappointment? Most of my friends say I am. But, I have NEVER felt so sure about anything in my life. Never.

Current mood: loved
- What have I learned over the past week...
1. How simple life can be.
2. How easy it is to help someone when they do their best to try and ignore you.
3. That both the Rebel and Empire "grunts" can actully be used, heh. (SWBF)
4. And most importantly, how easy it is to fall in love. Not lust, not "like", not " I hope we can be together sometime"... but love.
How do I know I AM in love?
I can't go 5 mins w/o thinking of her or wanting to call her JUST to hear her voice. I actually do PDA which I NEVER do unless I'm 100% serious. I haven't once thought about "her". I melt everytime she calls me "baby". I almost come to tears when I say I love her. I have NEVER felt this happy...
Am I setting myself up for a huge disappointment? Most of my friends say I am. But, I have NEVER felt so sure about anything in my life. Never.

I'm so happy for you. Enjoy it. Even if you live together until you die, it will end. Nothing lasts forever.... So, Enjoy It!!!!! Ok, maybe love does last.... I'm feeling rather romantic after reading your entry. (smile)