Life has been hectic. booked shows on the 20th , 21st , 22nd, and the 23rd. the 20th was locals and a band on my label called hank jones, then the 21st again more locals and hank jones playing again, they were touring from erie pa. Oh cant forget saw episode three at midnight after the show on the 20th. The 22nd was the Terror, Comeback Kid modern life is war, sinai beach, this is hell show. This show was packed a shit load of kids came out, and crazy enough we had 2 kids get taken away by ambulance. One of these kids is a good friend of mine. Both kids had siezures, one hit his head coming off the stage, the other was picked up and body slammed, fucked up. They both ended up being ok. Then the next night (the 23rd) was the suffocate faster,our battle, warfare,seventh star , point break show. This show was good no problems, the show was over about 11 i got home about 12:30 and i had to be on a place heading for new york at 5:35 am an hour south in ft lauderdale. Flight was fine mostly empty flight and the lady would not let us take any of the empty seats, that gets Airtran fired. On no sleep but shitty plane sleep we went and checked into the hotel, then got a bagel then took a brief nap, then headed to meetings with sony. The meetings went awesome. My partner went to a yankees game and I got some pizza and walked the city, the weather sucked. Highlight of the trip i had red bamboo delivered to the hotel, if you dont know what that is its the best vegetarian restaurant in the world that i have eaten at so far that is. Wed came check out, china town for some dvd buying, then meeting with our lawyer then off to the airport and sitting there for 5 hours waiting for a delayed plane due to weather. Landed at 4 am got home at 5:30. And that was my week. Busy and fun.
and I thought I was hard to keep up with...
youre such a busy bee..