wow a lot has happened... My sister had a baby hopefully i will have pictures soon. Her name is Lindsey Kenna Ryerson.She is 9 pounds 1 ounce. She was born may 4th. I am more excited about star wars episode III then i can describe in words. Got my tickets assuring you that I am a nerd. Bought National Treasure on DVD its a good movie i liked it very much so i bought it. I also bought Old Boy I have wanted to see it for a while and on a recomendation from Mallory watched it and it was very strange but still very awesome. Yesterday we had a show with 25 bands. I was running the stage and had to have all 25 bands play with in 5:00pm and midnight. Leaving me 15 minute sets and 10 minute set changes. I will tell you it was hectic and stressful but nothing compaired to what i am gonna do today. 35 bands from 1:00 pm to again midnight. Well I have to head over to the show wish me luck.
thanks though, for giving me a 2nd job... it's good fun.