Its noon and i have a shit load of stuff to do , my last few days have been pretty insane. Started with working last Tues night, then waking up wed and working at home on label stuff then leaving at 4 pm and driving to orlando to pick up my friend elise(who flew in from alabama) and rachel ( who lives in orlando) i got there in 3 hours even though it was pouring rain and was there for 12 minutes to just turn around and drive back making it back in an awesome display of driving... 2 hours flat. Got a call from my friend chad telling me to come straight to the bowling ally cause thats where everyone was meeting up for his birthday. So after being in a car for more them 5 hours the 3 of us arrive at the bowling ally. It was packed, chad and gang got there and was told an hour and a half wait to get a lane. So Chris Jorgin ( thier manager)(aka uwte swapt) goes up to the manager and says "hey we are not looking for special treatment or anything like that but this is chad from new found glory and its his birthday can we just get a lane" next thing you know , we have 2 lanes, at the end we dont have to use bowling shoes we can bowl in whatever we want, they brought over free beer ( even though 8 out of 15 of us were straight edge) and treated us like kings the rest of the night. We bowled like 5 free games and stayed over an hour after they closed playing air hockey and video games. they for sure hooked it up. when we left the bowling ally rachesl had to pee really bad so she ended up pissing in the bushes she was a bit drunk. then a bunch of us went to a diner called the star light. had some dinner at 3 am , then chad decided he had to look at $5.50 dvd's at walmart so rachel , elise and i di dnot venture back north to my house until after 4. got home and slept until about 11 got ready and went to the aventure mall, i fell asleep on the couch at urbin outfitters while rachel and elise shopped. then we went to the new found glory , reggie and the full effect , eisley show. that was awesome i got to see a bunch of people i dont see too often, hung out with the new found guys , i miss them since they tour so much. atleast steve and ian moved back to florida so i get to see them more often. when they are home.*** side note*** last week i got a prank call and the person on the other end of the phone sounded like napolean dynomite, i had absolutly no clue who it was. **** ok back to the hectic story of my week. hung out with ians parents and ians wife, other friends the show was great. this was the 1st show of the tour so everyone was just getting into the groove of things. eisley played and they sounded great. reggie and the full effect was fun, james is a bit crazy wearing bunny suits on stage and steve looker from fames morning again and culture, and now does guitar tech for new found is in reggie for this tour. then new found played and they were amazing as always. so i am watching them play and chad says " if any of you get a prank call from napolean dynomite thats just me we pranked my friend alex kenny and that shit was funny as hell" so my side note was revealed guess i not know who pranked me hahahah. So then after the show we all went to the casino for a long and well planned out after party for chad's birthday. it was at a very upscale night club it was pretty funny. lots of girls with fake boobs and fancy skimpy outfits. i have to upload my pictures and put them up. there were 2 random girls sucking each others titties and eating each other out at the club sitting on a couch, good stuff . we messed around danced to bad music and just made the best of the weird atmoshpere. I got chad for his birthday the china porn dvd, the wrestler, it is pretty disgusting her clit is huge and looks like a dick. she is so gross and looks like a man. I also got him a blow up doll. so after the party we get to my house about 5 and goto sleep waking up the next day at about 11 and getting ready to goto orlando, drive there and rachel and elise get ready we then meet up with kat aka bug at the new found glory show in orlando at the house of blues which is a sold out show. we go in again hang out back stage have a good time the show again is amazing, and once again fucking chad on stage " my perverted friend alex bought me the china porn dvd for my birthday it was so gross alex is disgusting" haha . so then we hang out after the show back stage goofing off and telling stories just hanging out. we then leave orlando and drive a little under 3 hours south back home where i goto sleep and wake up the next day to get ready for the on broken wings black my heart show i have that night. goto the show early set up the food and water the show goes well, no fights, good turn out bug sells my stuff for me, my boy dennis and dustin's band plays called our battle (dennis pace does all my tattoos) and they are awesome the band that is. so then after the show a bunch of us goto dennys eat up late night crap food, and goto sleep. sunday i wake up and have to work from 12-6 at the porn store, then have the zao juliana theory open hand show and that goes on until atleast 1. then today monday i wake up at 10 goto the post office mail a shit load of undecided records stuff, and ebay stuff, then goto costco with my friend chase and buy a ton of shit for the show i had tonight , bane , with honor, comeback kid and silent drive. cooked spaghetti , and made salad and got all kinds of other goodies for the show, got to the show at 4 set it up , the show went great, over 330 people no fights, it was an awesome show. so now its 4:26 in the am and this is the 1st night where i will goto sleep and now have to wake up early , i do work at 4 tomorrow at the porn store. and i also work thursday then i head out to vegas on friday for my friends wedding and i wont be back until tuesday night. anyone live in vegas please feel free to say hey and drop me a line maybe we can hang out while i am out there. ok its 4:30 and i am ending this novel. see everyone i am doing much better of keeping this updated with entries.
son of a bitch, I missed a silent drive show.? I wanted to see them
ok. I shouldda warned that if you call me when it's really late, I'm partially asleep even if I'm talking. I know we talked... but I don't remember the conversation...