Have not written anything in a few days. Ok a week. Went to the hatebreed, sick of it all, terror show. That was a pretty amazing show. Got to see my friend Joe who does merch for sick of it all. You rock joe. thanks for the shirt. Some guy broke his ankle at the show, it was brutal. So then after the show we all hung out down town ft lauderdale ate some grub at a place called san loco. Good eats. So then the next day i had the solid state tour. The chariot ( members of norma jean) he is legend, far_less, showbread,as cities burn. Overall the show was good. i was hoping more kids would show, but still had 100 kids there. I t was fun. Its an outdoor venue, caught 4 kids who climbed on the roof next store and were trying to sneak a watch. It was funny oe of the girls got stuck and could not get down. Well that was my week pretty much. I got a new shirt design in, the pics of them all are up in my pictures section. They are for sale on www.undecidedstore.com