Had a show that i promoted in west palm last night, at a place called spankys. The line up was Most precious Blood, Remembering Never, Dead To Fall, and It Dies Today. The show went well and smothly. I made spaghetti and salad for the bands which they all seemed to enjoy considering it was the PETA tour so everyone on it was atleast vegetarian. After the show came back to the house with a few friends to play some halo of course. When my phone rings, its Most Precious Blood, they decided not to make the drive to tampa and was taking up my offer to stay at my house. So then they came by and we hung for a while. Its now the morning and they have left off to play another show. They are super awesome people. You all should check them out sometime. ok i am off to my day. starting to feel better. thanks for all the comments.
What's http://x1981x.com? Is it your page?
Thanks for the email man, keep up the designs, I like the first one in the folder best