So i went to slayer saturday night the show was crazy so many knuckle heads were there. It was at an outdoor venue. mastadon was good, kill switch engage was also good, slayer was just amazing. Their show is like listenting to their cd the sound is so amazin. I am friends with the main bouncer at the door so not only did i get in free, and see the show i also left with 3 disposable cameras that kids were not aloud to bring in and just left on the ground i also handed out fliers for my 3 shows i have coming up and over all the night just went great. Then after the show me and my roomate and 2 friends went to our friend jonathans house to geek it up we played xbox .. some halo 2 lan partied if you even have any remote idea what i am talking about please comment make me feel a little less of a nerd .