hey anyone and everyone who might be reading this. I am at a internet cafe on the island of st thomas. I am on a cruise for a week with my parents and my family for my dads 65th birthday. Its been amazing the ship is unreal and the islands have been pretty beautiful. I also played the slots 2 nights ago.. I put in $20 into the $1 wheel of fortune and when i got down to about $8 i hit the wheel, i spun it and won $1000. maybe my broken horse luck is changing. then again while i was gone on the cruise hurricane wilma came through and put a hole in my patio room wiped out all the screens i just re did from last years hurricanes and it looks like my house will not have power until november 18th . i guess you take the good and take the bad. comment,show me some love.
Can we have atleast a mini update???