House sale is going good
are there any investment guru's out there ??
I'm going to have a pretty decent cut from the sale and Im not ready to dive in and make a purchase at the moment
A friend of mine at work told me he was advised to put some money in a inuity fund thru prudential
He told me if I just take 50,000 from the cut and put it there .. I could get 1000 a month for 5 years then at the end of 5 years I can get 75,000 back
Thats not bad .. If i did that on two fronts id get 2k a month plus 150 in 5 years
I think I'll be better suited to buy a house by then .. as far as knowing where I want to be
I recently took the sargents test and that means I can be stationed anywhere in the state if I take it .. driving down to Cape may isnt what I had in mind .. if I wait to buy a house and get stationed there I can maybe buy something closer .. rather than have a 2 hour drive to work
I have also been seriously thinking about buying property in Canada .. just maybe getting the property for now and putting a house on it when I am ready to move there (3 years)
I think all this mobo jumbo is just more of a reason to sit down with someone who knows what true options are out there for me
on a really good note I am ready for FOOTBALL season (and the SUPER BOWL CHAMPION Steelers) .. I been a steeler fan since I was a wee tot .. I even had the jersey when I was lil .. with the Helmut lol
I bought a plasma TV .. I actually called to order the 42 inch but they didn't have any in stock nor the 46 so the guy talked me into the 50' .. I already called DriectV for the HD set up .. thats going to be installed today .. with the TV coming by Friday .. Steeler and Yankee games in HD .. I'm such a electronics junkie I cant wait
Years ago when I was still with my ex I bought some really good speakers but never hooked them up .. we never bought a receiver and were on the way out by the time things got into shape .. so since the house is sold she called me to come get my speakers .. still in the box .. so i cant wait .. im finally going to have my Home theater system .. all I need is a good receiver and a sub woofer
on a less than materialistic note the puppys are doing great .. Ill post more pics as I get them .. I have people calling me non stop because they heard i had "blues" available .. if the first thing someone asks me is the color I will usually not sell them one .. I want someone who is interested in the health of the parents .. were they tested etc .. then we can talk color and such .. funny thing is my contract usually scares those ppl away .. there my dogs and your god damm right I have the right to check up on there living conditions .. I demand 3 photos per year (to check condition and for my records .. I also have final and only say in who they breed them to .. I dont get any puppies unless its a co own but I want to make sure they dont breed he/she to something that would produce a bad litter .. or no testing on the mate ... I also require hip testing and OFA heart cert before any breeding .. failure to do any of these things means you forfeit ownership of the dog to me if I deem it necessary
I'm not a asshole about it but I want to make sure there not being used for anything that might be harmful .. and I want to insure they have good homes .. Id take one back and have a house full before id let one live in a un safe home .. I bred them there my responsibility for as long as they live .. if someone called me 5 years from now and said they needed to give up the dog id take it .. because thats what being a responsible breeder is about
take care all .. seems no one likes my emotional entries so I think for now ill just stop writing them .. maybe this just isnt the site for that
be well and smile
Joe xoxo
are there any investment guru's out there ??
I'm going to have a pretty decent cut from the sale and Im not ready to dive in and make a purchase at the moment
A friend of mine at work told me he was advised to put some money in a inuity fund thru prudential
He told me if I just take 50,000 from the cut and put it there .. I could get 1000 a month for 5 years then at the end of 5 years I can get 75,000 back
Thats not bad .. If i did that on two fronts id get 2k a month plus 150 in 5 years
I think I'll be better suited to buy a house by then .. as far as knowing where I want to be
I recently took the sargents test and that means I can be stationed anywhere in the state if I take it .. driving down to Cape may isnt what I had in mind .. if I wait to buy a house and get stationed there I can maybe buy something closer .. rather than have a 2 hour drive to work
I have also been seriously thinking about buying property in Canada .. just maybe getting the property for now and putting a house on it when I am ready to move there (3 years)
I think all this mobo jumbo is just more of a reason to sit down with someone who knows what true options are out there for me
on a really good note I am ready for FOOTBALL season (and the SUPER BOWL CHAMPION Steelers) .. I been a steeler fan since I was a wee tot .. I even had the jersey when I was lil .. with the Helmut lol
I bought a plasma TV .. I actually called to order the 42 inch but they didn't have any in stock nor the 46 so the guy talked me into the 50' .. I already called DriectV for the HD set up .. thats going to be installed today .. with the TV coming by Friday .. Steeler and Yankee games in HD .. I'm such a electronics junkie I cant wait
Years ago when I was still with my ex I bought some really good speakers but never hooked them up .. we never bought a receiver and were on the way out by the time things got into shape .. so since the house is sold she called me to come get my speakers .. still in the box .. so i cant wait .. im finally going to have my Home theater system .. all I need is a good receiver and a sub woofer
on a less than materialistic note the puppys are doing great .. Ill post more pics as I get them .. I have people calling me non stop because they heard i had "blues" available .. if the first thing someone asks me is the color I will usually not sell them one .. I want someone who is interested in the health of the parents .. were they tested etc .. then we can talk color and such .. funny thing is my contract usually scares those ppl away .. there my dogs and your god damm right I have the right to check up on there living conditions .. I demand 3 photos per year (to check condition and for my records .. I also have final and only say in who they breed them to .. I dont get any puppies unless its a co own but I want to make sure they dont breed he/she to something that would produce a bad litter .. or no testing on the mate ... I also require hip testing and OFA heart cert before any breeding .. failure to do any of these things means you forfeit ownership of the dog to me if I deem it necessary
I'm not a asshole about it but I want to make sure there not being used for anything that might be harmful .. and I want to insure they have good homes .. Id take one back and have a house full before id let one live in a un safe home .. I bred them there my responsibility for as long as they live .. if someone called me 5 years from now and said they needed to give up the dog id take it .. because thats what being a responsible breeder is about
take care all .. seems no one likes my emotional entries so I think for now ill just stop writing them .. maybe this just isnt the site for that
be well and smile
Joe xoxo