so on Monday night I waited OUTSIDE Wal-Mart, in the pouring RAIN, for a total of SIX HOURS. Yes the fuckin' communists at Wal-Mart in Bricktuckey NJ made us line up outside in the freezing cold and seemingly sideways falling rain. They didn't come outside once, refused to let us wait inside or even in the lawn department with the overhang. They refused to tell us how many boxes they actually had so waiting on line was like a scene from the Deer Hunter only instead of playing Russian roulette with bullets we were playing with pneumonia. It was the most miserable six hours of my life. It was also somehow kinda fun and I'm glad I did it. The people we were online with were cool and there was a kinda foxhole kinda camaraderie that formed, sharing of umbrellas, getting of coffee ect. After all was said and done I got my Xbox 360 at 12:01am. The girl (that's right a girl - and a hot one) who was online behind me got the last one - the others went away cold, wet, tired and empty handed. Was it worth it all you ask? Well the thing is freaking amazing! I spent the whole day playing with it and still haven't touched some of the kick-ass features. Right now I'm addicted to the game Condemned (you play an FBI guy hunting a serial killer who kills serial killers) which is like a cool hybrid of Silent Hill and CSI.
Big hugs and kisses for a kick ass new year