my newest design for a local company which i am trying to talk out of some money for a new site
If there is one thing i hate about school its jumping though hoops just to compleate a project.. in my photoshop class we are doing a project on web deisgn.. something i do almost daily... after the teacher handed out the assingment and when class was desmised i aproached him and asked if i could jsut skip this assingment. I explained that i did web design professional and showed him some of my work (which in its sum total well excceds the 3 page site we have to design). having some respect for this teacher i figured he would give me one of two respones.. either ok you obviously konw what your doing and mark me down as compleated, or give me the option to just turn in something decent rather than his worksheet based site... but alas such was not the case and as it usualy does teaching once again got in the way of education. his exact words after i showed him this web site "but you have to write down the file size for each graphic to count for this project" wtf... you want me to build an some lame ass site, waste a hour of my time just so you can have the before and after sizes of each file... like i it matters at all... i mean really who gives a shit about before and after file sizes... i was a little iritated to say the least... and thought long and hard about what i should do... i was half tempted to not even turn in an assingment in protest of the rediculessness of this all.. but instead i created this a testiment to WYSIWYG editors and my coding skils... i hope he enjoys it .. because unlike the above site.. i konw the file size on this one... yep that image was 175k and now its 5.53k... thats all thats important afterall

If there is one thing i hate about school its jumping though hoops just to compleate a project.. in my photoshop class we are doing a project on web deisgn.. something i do almost daily... after the teacher handed out the assingment and when class was desmised i aproached him and asked if i could jsut skip this assingment. I explained that i did web design professional and showed him some of my work (which in its sum total well excceds the 3 page site we have to design). having some respect for this teacher i figured he would give me one of two respones.. either ok you obviously konw what your doing and mark me down as compleated, or give me the option to just turn in something decent rather than his worksheet based site... but alas such was not the case and as it usualy does teaching once again got in the way of education. his exact words after i showed him this web site "but you have to write down the file size for each graphic to count for this project" wtf... you want me to build an some lame ass site, waste a hour of my time just so you can have the before and after sizes of each file... like i it matters at all... i mean really who gives a shit about before and after file sizes... i was a little iritated to say the least... and thought long and hard about what i should do... i was half tempted to not even turn in an assingment in protest of the rediculessness of this all.. but instead i created this a testiment to WYSIWYG editors and my coding skils... i hope he enjoys it .. because unlike the above site.. i konw the file size on this one... yep that image was 175k and now its 5.53k... thats all thats important afterall

I wasn't really fishing for compliments or anything.
But thanks....