A good day for me... I got my DVD burner in the mail today + 100 DVDs free. Thats 500TB (yes terabyte thats a Million MB). I remember when I had my 386 and it had an 80MB hard drive. I had to backup my porn collection on to floppy disk because I just didnt have the space on the hard drive to store the 300 pictures I had. Now can store 12500000000000000 pictures. Not to mention the drive plus 100 free DVDs cost $104. Technology is great. In other good news I got my bill for my rent and it was blank.. I though shit its a typo so I go down to straighten it out and on my walk over there I realize oh yeah I am leaving so I dont have to pay rent since this is my last month... So an extra $800 for me this month... What is even better because of the way the new place handles rent it wont be due till the 1st of January
.. now what to buy... humm...
Edit: now that iv played with my DVD drive im in love... a few more dvd's and ill have everything i care about safely backed up where it should be... this also helps selidify my computer geek status by putting me up to drive L: one more and ill have half the alphabet... so what happens after Z:

Edit: now that iv played with my DVD drive im in love... a few more dvd's and ill have everything i care about safely backed up where it should be... this also helps selidify my computer geek status by putting me up to drive L: one more and ill have half the alphabet... so what happens after Z:
Dude thats soo fucking cool!!!!!

Yeah. Well, it happens sometimes. *shrugs* But thanks.