first of many to come from my shoot with bathory today.
Well I think I have decided I am going to do the coop thing.. which means ill be going from 2000sq ft to 200sq ft + some self storage... there are a lot of things I have that I never ever use so I think I will be getting ride of them since I am not paying to store them...
On the list so far of must go.
14 color computer monitor
27 color TV. - TAKEN Oni
2 tennis rackets
2 cd rom drives.
Downhill skies (no boots).
Old set of golf clubs.
2 large 30 x 12 inch fish aquariums.
10 gallon fish aquarium.
Various hamster supplys, 2 wheels, huge bage of wood ships, some dryed grass.
2 bikes (I think sabine might get one of them). Both treks. - TAKEN Sabine, Justin
2 computer desks
1 kitchen thing that holds a microwave and has a storage cabinet bellow. - PENDING Sabine
2 keyboards.
1 chair.
1 couch
Kitchen table.
2 phones
2 answering machines
2 large mirrors -1 TAKEN
50 old records (great for craft projects)
Red computer chair - TAKEN Sabine
2 Cappuccino machines
George Forman grill thing. - TAKEN Sabine
1 small grill
1 large grill + cover (both charcol)
So who wants my stuff?
- everything is free so if you want it speak up
great pics by the way