So I am now a precinct caption for the John Kerry for President Campaign. Go me. This of course requires that I not only pester each one of you to vote on Nov 2nd but that I also nag you to come volunteer for his campaign. My precinct needs 7 volunteers on November 2nd to help with the usually Election Day stuff a presidential campaign does, phone banking, poll watching, canvassing, etc. Come on you no you want to... Not only will it help get the current administration out off office but you get free stickers and maybe some cookies if youre good
We really need all the help we can get. The right has all those crazed abortion is a sin, and god hates gays people, and you know how dedicated those religious nut jobs are. All we have are some pot smokers and people with no health insurance so we need every able bodied person we can get.

poor cat... she was already the lust object for so many dorks... that couldn't have helped her at all...
If I were there I would so volunteer to help. However, I have already voted (absentee) and don't live in mi.