I miss Clinton. Despite his abundant flaws and that stain on the blue dress he was all around a good president. He could talk his way out of most anything, and people just liked him. Above all though what I really miss is the Clinton economy. Now I know people will say the president has nothing to do with the economy, and I admit I may have uttered those words myself on occasion, but boy those were the good old days. Everyone had jobs, non of my friends were really broke, not flat ass no money in the bank broke like so many of them are today. And best of all there was the stock market. It was tough to pick a loser back then. While I was never one for textbook economics I did love the stock market and I picked some nice winners, and in those few years made more money than anyone my age had any right to have. There were days my net worth would go up 2k before dinner time
. Boy I miss those days. No dont get me wrong we wernt a perfect country we still had our problems, a few riots here, a beating there, but everything had a light hearted tone to it. Not like today. All you see on tv today is violence. From the attacks of 9/11, to the war in iraq, to police beating peaceful protesters, the mood of the country has shifted. I balm one word (not to be confused with action) and that is terrorism. Now dont get me wrong the attacks of 9/11 were a sad event but in a statistical since no more dangers to our nation than most common house hold accidents. And terrorism doesnt even come close to the dangers of driving to work. Yet its all we have heard on tv for the past three years. Terrorist this and terrorist that. Maybe we will die from anthrax, or maybe it will be a dirty bomb. About the only thing everyone seemed certain of is that we would be dieing. But you know what its three years latter and no one else is dead. Whenever I hear the word terrorism I automatically think of the worst kinds of things, the twin towers falling, beheading, war, guns. And after years of having that word uttered millions of times it all builds up to a depressed nation. There is however another word, a word synonymies with both happiness and good old Bill. That world is blowjob and its one that has been severally lacking in our national dialog. I dunno about you but I would rather talk about blowjobs than dieing. Bill we need you and your penis back.

Thanks for the advice. I'll probably try to pick your brain some more...it'll def. be my own site, though.
Glad you're feeling better, sweets.