I got to thinking about voting .. and im not sure im all for the idea anymore.. it sounds like a good idea... everyone votes for the best guy... and then he represents our interests... problem is the best guy never runs... and when elected he rarely represents our interests.. this is plainly obvious.. one need only look at the basic demographics of congress to appreciate this fact... its all old rich white men.. hardly a accurate representation of an all-encompassing cross section of America. With congresss 535 members achieving a normal distribution from random sampling would be no problem and contain a margin of error less than 4%. So why not simply select federal representatives by random. Your name is picked you get the option to serve. Can you really say today congress represents the interests of the American public with a margin of error less than 4%?
Now, I would like to have the potential for bigger prints, but realistically, I would probably rarely use that capability, 8X10 is more than likely be the largest image I'll print.
I'm going to look into it further, but other than size, do you know of any other big differences between the two?