I had a great time at my Bday party. Quite a few people showed up, including some I didnt know so it was cool meeting them. The list included.
mikael, les, SYH653, Panzermensch, sinjun, ninedayjane + 3 of her friends, Phil and Heather (non-members).
Lots of alcohol was consumed and everyone seemed to like my Kailua. I will have to make up another batch for New years

Thanks to SYH653, Panzermensch, sinjun for helping me move my washer and dryer the next day something I defiantly couldnt have done on my own

Tomorrow will also be my last day online for about a week since the cable company here (Comcast) is backed up with orders and cant switch my service till Jan 5th.
ooo. SGGR bar night would be great! Rumors is a good place. my friend from high school works there. he is a great guy.
There's info up in my journal and in the kazoo group...