Ahh it's friday and i am gonna be shit faced soon enough. First i gotta go play pin cushion for a glass on how to give an IV that i'm teaching. Oh how i hate to stick those things in people but love to be stuck myself. Kinda vise versa from from my home life. naughty boy! Hope fate is guiding you all in the right directions. Me vs Army round 4 on Tuesday. Ding ding.
You hate sticking other people but love getting stuck huh? That is kinda backwards isn't it. I don't know depending on where I was getting stuck I enjoyed it as far as piercing goes but I am a little sidistic and loved sticking everyone else. Something about seeing the look of pure fear in a little girls eyes as she sits down for a bellybutton piercings I think is great. Horrible isn't it? What can I say.... I am a sick fuck! Yea you should definitely come visit me when you get out. On tuesday for the fight... I'll be in your corner.