new week, new adventures
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
jinger invited
motherteresa amd i to her fiance's 10 year high school reunion.
motherteresa and i took this as an opportunity to get as "fucked-up" as humanly possible
i created a drink and named it "Rocket Juice." the slogan will be "It's what fuels Ya!"
Roclet Juice was the inspiration for my "artistic rendering of a manatee SCUBA diving at the coral reef"
soon it was time to rock out!
we finally made it to Georgia and had sno-cones at the bar
they may have had alcohol
which made me do this:
take that duckface!
following day, we went to Hooters!!!
and then it was time to drive back to orlando so i could go to work on sunday
Did i tell you i joined a kickball team?