my sister was excited, so she decorated her house.
my family doesn't like me much, so they made me wear a hat:
motherteresa saved the day with the wish-o-saurus.
with my birthday being so close to Halloween, my cake was themed for the holiday. On top there was a finger puppet of a vampire. my family told me i had to take pictures with it everywhere i went. this is
motherteresa at the Downtown Crossing stop on the T.
there were penguins and sharks and rays making out at the New England Aquarium:
then we walked around, found Sam Adams and the State House
that night, i won $3 playing Keno: Me = Baller
John F. Kennedy Presidential Museum and Library. Inspiring! of course i love the Kennedy's i'm from boston.
and what better way to top off the educational benefits of going to a museum by going to a brewery:
in the town i grew up is a dairy. usually the cows are grazing next to the ice cream stand, but i guess it is was a little cold. I like to go there and taunt the cows while i am eating ice cream: "hey cow, i am drinking you!." Pictured: i sure do like me some Pumpkin frappes:
my last day in MA we went to Ward's Berry Farm to get hot apple cider and look at goats.
then we made our way to CT to go to a Yale vs. Brown game.
went to one of the most delightful bars ever, in New Haven
I had not shaved since halloween, so this is what i looked like
i am often asked why i don't have a mustache. this is why:
it was a great trip and was filled with many adventures. i am only posting pictures that were on my phone. i left my camera in my sister's car when she was driving us to the airport

so there were will be better pictures coming to a blog near you. that is, if she decided to send it.
peace, and much love,