june, 13 2007
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
i woke up around 10 am, checked my email, took a shower and decided it was time to have the noise from my brakes checked out. i made it to Just Brakes around 12:30. I decided before i left my house that i would shave and pack when i got back from getting my brakes checked, figuring that there was no one in line (i called ahead) and it would only take and hour or two to do the work. and had plenty of time before it was time to head to tampa.
When i got to Just Brakes there was the usual waiting room awkwardness. with only four chairs in the room i decided to stand. eventually one of the two customers left and i got a seat. five minutes later a van from texas drove up and unloaded a large family. they were tourists here to see disney (mickey ears and all). i get up and move over the aquarium in the waiting room. this aquarium was large, dirty, and contained one weird little fish. of course the children wanted to look at the fish. it is what children do. and of course the mother seeing me standing next to fish figured the children would either annoy me or that i wasnt safe for her children to be playing near, either way, she yelled at them to not look at the fish and sit down. the children of course wailed that they wanted to look at the fish. i am not sure how yelling in a small room and making the children cry would annoy me less than them being silent? then the mother left and the adolecent girl was now in charge and yelled at the kids further. at which point i decided to leave. the mechanic told me it would be about 2-3 hours before they got the part so i went on an adventure.
next to Just Brakes was this sign for a nudist store. i was not brave enough to venture in, but i can't imagine what they sell...nakedness?
so i walked to downtown kissimmee and got to eat at my favorite mexican restaurant Azteca and had what they called a quetzadilla
downtown kissimmee is trying to bring business to the downtown historic shopping district, which i assume means there will be things to do. i was wrong. however there were two art gallaries and abstract statues on every corner. cool, right? so i decide i want to try to draw or write something. walk and walk, no art supply store. i walk into the fabric store and they tell me about the Michaels that is about 10 miles away. which does not help my current situation. so i walk to office max back by the brake place. i buy a little orange notebook with the word "THOUGHTS" on it (more on the notebook later)
i get back to Just brakes the texan family is still there, so i grab my book, Lolita, and sit under a tree and read. i lasted a total of 15 minutes before the ants attack...there are always ants to ruin the picnic. by this time the family as left and it is safe to leave. but now they are replaced by a business man who believes that everyone should know what he is doing, i turn on my ipod and pretend to sleep.
my part finally arrives at 6 pm. by about 7:30 pm they discover another part that is missing. so i run down the block to the autopart store that i was told to go. they were closed so i call them and they inform me that they made a mistake and it is the store across the street. i run back only to find out that the kit does not have the part we need. they put everything back together and send me on my way. for those of us that were not counting i spent 7 1/2 hours waiting for my brakes to be done. they knocked $40 off the bill.
i woke up around 10 am, checked my email, took a shower and decided it was time to have the noise from my brakes checked out. i made it to Just Brakes around 12:30. I decided before i left my house that i would shave and pack when i got back from getting my brakes checked, figuring that there was no one in line (i called ahead) and it would only take and hour or two to do the work. and had plenty of time before it was time to head to tampa.
When i got to Just Brakes there was the usual waiting room awkwardness. with only four chairs in the room i decided to stand. eventually one of the two customers left and i got a seat. five minutes later a van from texas drove up and unloaded a large family. they were tourists here to see disney (mickey ears and all). i get up and move over the aquarium in the waiting room. this aquarium was large, dirty, and contained one weird little fish. of course the children wanted to look at the fish. it is what children do. and of course the mother seeing me standing next to fish figured the children would either annoy me or that i wasnt safe for her children to be playing near, either way, she yelled at them to not look at the fish and sit down. the children of course wailed that they wanted to look at the fish. i am not sure how yelling in a small room and making the children cry would annoy me less than them being silent? then the mother left and the adolecent girl was now in charge and yelled at the kids further. at which point i decided to leave. the mechanic told me it would be about 2-3 hours before they got the part so i went on an adventure.
next to Just Brakes was this sign for a nudist store. i was not brave enough to venture in, but i can't imagine what they sell...nakedness?
so i walked to downtown kissimmee and got to eat at my favorite mexican restaurant Azteca and had what they called a quetzadilla
downtown kissimmee is trying to bring business to the downtown historic shopping district, which i assume means there will be things to do. i was wrong. however there were two art gallaries and abstract statues on every corner. cool, right? so i decide i want to try to draw or write something. walk and walk, no art supply store. i walk into the fabric store and they tell me about the Michaels that is about 10 miles away. which does not help my current situation. so i walk to office max back by the brake place. i buy a little orange notebook with the word "THOUGHTS" on it (more on the notebook later)
i get back to Just brakes the texan family is still there, so i grab my book, Lolita, and sit under a tree and read. i lasted a total of 15 minutes before the ants attack...there are always ants to ruin the picnic. by this time the family as left and it is safe to leave. but now they are replaced by a business man who believes that everyone should know what he is doing, i turn on my ipod and pretend to sleep.
my part finally arrives at 6 pm. by about 7:30 pm they discover another part that is missing. so i run down the block to the autopart store that i was told to go. they were closed so i call them and they inform me that they made a mistake and it is the store across the street. i run back only to find out that the kit does not have the part we need. they put everything back together and send me on my way. for those of us that were not counting i spent 7 1/2 hours waiting for my brakes to be done. they knocked $40 off the bill.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
after the brake ordeal i am beyond hyper and drive to orlando to pick up motherteresa. i am still unshaven, unpacked and now sweaty as i had been planning to go home before hand to do these things and shower. now i have a nice funk which is alway great when you are going out to meet people for the first time.
we drive to lakeland to meet thedom
who then drives us at 100 mph to tampa to meet thesecondd. the car in front of us got pulled over, not us...amazing...greatness is on our side tonight friends.
the three of us go to Howl at the Moon where we meet up with patience, tim_in_tampa, k_kat, and gonzoe. for those of us who have not been to Howl at the Moon, it is lame. all 40 year old women and frat-tastic guys. on stage there were some desperate women, one who decided that it would be a good idea to pull out her breasts and grab them. her mom, who was behind her, must have been proud.
the orlando kids sit in the corner and conspire. we come to the conclusion that we don't need to be there anymore. after we finish our buckets of alcohol
we agree on a place to meet and everyone leaves.
on the way out motherteresa stole a table cloth which in the back seat i made into a toga.
i am still confused by this. i also stole part of a parking cone...more on that later.
thesecondd drove us and is awesome with directions, and by awesome i mean he isnt. we eventually pull over in the middle of the woods at a state park, he gets out and talks to these girls that he invited. motherteresa and i decide it is a good time to steal his car (keep in mind this is my first night meeting the kid and have known him for a total of 2 hours at this point). we drive a 1/4 mile away before thedom informed me that we were going the wrong direction. we turned around and of course now thesecondd is missing. apparently he hitched a ride with the girl.
we get to patience and tim_in_tampa's apartment (which despite his name is really far away from tampa). i leave them a gift. it is proper to bring the host a gift.
it is part of a cone from How at the Moon.
i of course tell the same story a number of times and make an ass of myself.
tim_in_tampa should be planning an event for Dinosaur World in the near future...keep an eye out.
we left and decide that i should be the driver.
as we sit at a red light before the highway i rev the engine and look at the car next to me. he looks back and i rev the engine again. light turns green and races off. i remained stopped and laughing. we all get on the highway where i school his ass. i was too fast and to furious!IMG]/media/members/9/14/265149/91139/1585615_attach.jpg[/IMG]
it is decided that we need to stop at walmart to pick up supplies. only motherteresa and i are brave enough to enter at 3 am. when we get in we stop at womens lingerie where i try on a bra.

we learned two things. 1) we cant take pictures in walmart. 2) when walmart wants to kick you out they are very efficient. as i try the bra on (without removing the hanger!), an employee tells us not to take pictures. we turn and walk away. and hear her on the walkie talkie "she is wearing a sheet and they are going to section A5 (did i mention motherteresa is still wearing the toga? which is just a table cloth and not much else?) we zig zag through the store and end up in jewlery. this is where we notice that we have been flanked and the blue vests are closing in.
we decide it is time to leave. they all follow us out. once we get to the front of the store, with fist raised i protest "walmart doesnt give health care" and "down with walmart" or some such ridiculousness.
once outside we are greated by the security SUV who looks at motherteresa and says she would have been better off in a towel...as though that would have made a difference. wysh is not done with the employees of walmart just yet "you're not even a real cop." we get in the car and leave.
thesecondd is in the back giving the directions, which seems like a great idea as we are going back to his place. however he is in and out of consiciousness and we miss many turns and have to make u-turns frequently.
alls well that ends well and we make it home. well to his house anyway. where at 5:36 am gonzoe calls me gay and we decide to call it a night.
i awake on the couch the next day, roll over, and see thesecondd's father who i greet with a 'good morning' to which he replies 'it is not quite morning anymore.' semantics.
time to go home. thedom, motherteresa and i go to crakerbarrel, where i am wearing the same clothes from yesterday with twice the funk and stains on my back from spilled drinks from drunk goth girls.
i drop motherteresa off and drive back home.
orlando never looks the same the next day...
o and what of the orange 'THOUGHS' journal? well through out the night i took a record of what happened. these things need to be documented.
"motherteresa wants me to smell"
"motherteresa hates me"
"patience hates me"
"tim_in_tampa likes the book!"
"motherteresa got shushed by thesecondd"
"we almost died"
"we aren't there yet"
"the car can't drive straight"
"why am i not drunk"
"o yeah motherteresa is in a toga + has no valentine, are we there yet?"
"what if thedom's head gets knocked off?"
"wysh just stole the car! we are a danger to small animals"
"motherteresa is fantastic"
"thesecondd + wysh walk out of tim_in_tampa's, couple fight, we take pictures"
"here we go papa bear"
"cats hate gonzoe, gonzoe has to sneeze"
"tim_in_tampa 'im a free love kinda guy"
"thedom peeing with the door open 'nothing going on' (thesecondd helping)"
"tim_in_tampa hiccups - motherteresa, thanks patience for allowing us to come over"
"it'd be better in a beach towel"
"5:49 gonzoe calls me gay!"
"wysh can't add 'i like that everyone else in life picks on you'"
i hope this makes sense.
after the brake ordeal i am beyond hyper and drive to orlando to pick up motherteresa. i am still unshaven, unpacked and now sweaty as i had been planning to go home before hand to do these things and shower. now i have a nice funk which is alway great when you are going out to meet people for the first time.
we drive to lakeland to meet thedom
who then drives us at 100 mph to tampa to meet thesecondd. the car in front of us got pulled over, not us...amazing...greatness is on our side tonight friends.
the three of us go to Howl at the Moon where we meet up with patience, tim_in_tampa, k_kat, and gonzoe. for those of us who have not been to Howl at the Moon, it is lame. all 40 year old women and frat-tastic guys. on stage there were some desperate women, one who decided that it would be a good idea to pull out her breasts and grab them. her mom, who was behind her, must have been proud.
the orlando kids sit in the corner and conspire. we come to the conclusion that we don't need to be there anymore. after we finish our buckets of alcohol

we agree on a place to meet and everyone leaves.
on the way out motherteresa stole a table cloth which in the back seat i made into a toga.
i am still confused by this. i also stole part of a parking cone...more on that later.

thesecondd drove us and is awesome with directions, and by awesome i mean he isnt. we eventually pull over in the middle of the woods at a state park, he gets out and talks to these girls that he invited. motherteresa and i decide it is a good time to steal his car (keep in mind this is my first night meeting the kid and have known him for a total of 2 hours at this point). we drive a 1/4 mile away before thedom informed me that we were going the wrong direction. we turned around and of course now thesecondd is missing. apparently he hitched a ride with the girl.
we get to patience and tim_in_tampa's apartment (which despite his name is really far away from tampa). i leave them a gift. it is proper to bring the host a gift.
it is part of a cone from How at the Moon.
i of course tell the same story a number of times and make an ass of myself.
tim_in_tampa should be planning an event for Dinosaur World in the near future...keep an eye out.
we left and decide that i should be the driver.
as we sit at a red light before the highway i rev the engine and look at the car next to me. he looks back and i rev the engine again. light turns green and races off. i remained stopped and laughing. we all get on the highway where i school his ass. i was too fast and to furious!IMG]/media/members/9/14/265149/91139/1585615_attach.jpg[/IMG]
it is decided that we need to stop at walmart to pick up supplies. only motherteresa and i are brave enough to enter at 3 am. when we get in we stop at womens lingerie where i try on a bra.

we learned two things. 1) we cant take pictures in walmart. 2) when walmart wants to kick you out they are very efficient. as i try the bra on (without removing the hanger!), an employee tells us not to take pictures. we turn and walk away. and hear her on the walkie talkie "she is wearing a sheet and they are going to section A5 (did i mention motherteresa is still wearing the toga? which is just a table cloth and not much else?) we zig zag through the store and end up in jewlery. this is where we notice that we have been flanked and the blue vests are closing in.

we decide it is time to leave. they all follow us out. once we get to the front of the store, with fist raised i protest "walmart doesnt give health care" and "down with walmart" or some such ridiculousness.
once outside we are greated by the security SUV who looks at motherteresa and says she would have been better off in a towel...as though that would have made a difference. wysh is not done with the employees of walmart just yet "you're not even a real cop." we get in the car and leave.
thesecondd is in the back giving the directions, which seems like a great idea as we are going back to his place. however he is in and out of consiciousness and we miss many turns and have to make u-turns frequently.
alls well that ends well and we make it home. well to his house anyway. where at 5:36 am gonzoe calls me gay and we decide to call it a night.
i awake on the couch the next day, roll over, and see thesecondd's father who i greet with a 'good morning' to which he replies 'it is not quite morning anymore.' semantics.
time to go home. thedom, motherteresa and i go to crakerbarrel, where i am wearing the same clothes from yesterday with twice the funk and stains on my back from spilled drinks from drunk goth girls.

i drop motherteresa off and drive back home.
orlando never looks the same the next day...
o and what of the orange 'THOUGHS' journal? well through out the night i took a record of what happened. these things need to be documented.
"motherteresa wants me to smell"
"motherteresa hates me"
"patience hates me"
"tim_in_tampa likes the book!"
"motherteresa got shushed by thesecondd"
"we almost died"
"we aren't there yet"
"the car can't drive straight"
"why am i not drunk"
"o yeah motherteresa is in a toga + has no valentine, are we there yet?"
"what if thedom's head gets knocked off?"
"wysh just stole the car! we are a danger to small animals"

"motherteresa is fantastic"
"thesecondd + wysh walk out of tim_in_tampa's, couple fight, we take pictures"

"here we go papa bear"
"cats hate gonzoe, gonzoe has to sneeze"
"tim_in_tampa 'im a free love kinda guy"
"thedom peeing with the door open 'nothing going on' (thesecondd helping)"
"tim_in_tampa hiccups - motherteresa, thanks patience for allowing us to come over"
"it'd be better in a beach towel"
"5:49 gonzoe calls me gay!"
"wysh can't add 'i like that everyone else in life picks on you'"
i hope this makes sense.

Your hometown is boston and you left to come Here!? why oh why would you do such a thing!?
