so my mourning doves are gone
i came home the other day turned on my light
there was a crash
i noticed no mommy or daddy bird
and only on chick (there were two eggs)
so i let it go
the next night i heard the chick crying
i didnt want to touch it (they say you shouldnt)
and figured the parents would be back to feed it
got home from work the next day
the chick wasnt breathing
life and death on the window sill
i came home the other day turned on my light
there was a crash
i noticed no mommy or daddy bird
and only on chick (there were two eggs)
so i let it go
the next night i heard the chick crying
i didnt want to touch it (they say you shouldnt)
and figured the parents would be back to feed it
got home from work the next day
the chick wasnt breathing
life and death on the window sill
Actaully...the not touching the chicks is false info...just an old wives time you'll know and you can take it to a vet 

I thought I'd cheer you up with the creepiest pic ever: