Frakk! Seven more papers due between now and April 12. It comes out to 48 more pages to write minimum.
My eyes already want to bleed in anticipation of more reading. I'm also looking at 4 compressed Intro to History classes in the Summer. And 3 more History/writing classes in the Fall. And now at least one of those classes will have to be at the Boca Raton campus since they're pulling History classes from the Davie campus (45 minutes on the turnpike isn't far enough apparently). An hour and a half on the turnpike and two counties to take 1 class. I just hope I can find one that's just once a week.
Then I graduate in December and the fun of getting my teaching certification begins.
State Lottery, take me away...

My eyes already want to bleed in anticipation of more reading. I'm also looking at 4 compressed Intro to History classes in the Summer. And 3 more History/writing classes in the Fall. And now at least one of those classes will have to be at the Boca Raton campus since they're pulling History classes from the Davie campus (45 minutes on the turnpike isn't far enough apparently). An hour and a half on the turnpike and two counties to take 1 class. I just hope I can find one that's just once a week.
Then I graduate in December and the fun of getting my teaching certification begins.

State Lottery, take me away...