Things are still going really slow.

I've been fighting with the kids a good bit of the morning. I got so upset to the point of calling their father! I nearly told him to come pick up his children. One in particular was giving my horrible time of it all. All I'm asking for is daily chores to get done. One does the dishes and...
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Well, keep me updated then, k!?
How'd he lose his?
Ok, things are slowly moving along!

I have some of the last child support I got stashed already, and haven't gotten anything from last weekend yet (supposed to get it today or tomorrow). Alan said he put it in the bank for me! If I can have him do that, it would be peachy! Plus, he's talking about giving me $300 next weekend ($100 towards...
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You are making it happen, lady! Keep up the good work!
She was super surprised, so it was worth it!
Yeah, I know I posted about my schedule/money yesterday. I've been trying to keep away from it... but when it's a main focus, it's hard to think of anything else to talk/blog about. At least with the blogging and chatting about it now, it's not negative. I'm actually really excited. I'm looking at the next month as a challenge. Even better then that, is that...
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Ok, I know I'm trying to lay off the money conversations... but here I go again.

I've been working on planning out February. I wasn't able to pay much off in Jan, and what did get paid off, got charged back up again. Anyway, I started looking at all the numbers, and they're insane. I was planning to use my school stipend to go to...
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Best of luck with taking charge wink Hope everything works out!
I'm feeling quite a bit better today. I'm trying to plan out my next couple of weeks. School is still crazy and getting crazier. Plus, trying to get the money I need for all the bills and such. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to pull it all off in time. I just need to keep focused on NOW and what I...
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Congratulations on your progress! Keep doing the bite sized tasks and pretty soon you will have done it all!
Thanks smile

So you still trying to move to boldercreek?
I've been feeling ill today. I know it's not the stomach virus going around, but it feels like it, (minus relieving my stomach of it's contents). I think it's cause I'm so stressed.

I have a new instructor for my class. I read over his grading policy this morning... it's NUTS!
"Heres my philosophy on grades- just because you show up, do the work, participate...
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I hope you are feeling better soon! It soundsl ike stress indeed.

Hopefully your professor will help you achieve if he has that rigorous of a grading program. I would have to say that his philosophy is ok (i.e. just being here doesn't guarantee anything), but the numbers he attaches to that don't seem very well explained. Perhaps you can ask him what "exceptional" actually means (in terms of graded assignments) so he does not get to just be arbitrary about grades.
I hope you feel better soon. smile
I have been reading The Power of Now. It's being such an interesting read. There are a lot of things about it that are ringing true for me; and definitively something to keep working with and practicing with. It's talking about pain and negativity coming from living in the past or future instead of being fully present. There's obviously a lot more to it then...
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the lighting on those pics are great!
Every time I see pics of her I think "Mini-You"! She's a cutie like her Mom!!
I did so much school work yesterday. I was at it for about 9 hours; 2 or so hours of shooting, then 7 hours of trying to get the school work ready to turn in and turned in. I fought with a program for like 5 hours, and ended up doing it all by hand.

Then I wasn't about to sleep well... there were kids...
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oh no-- hope you get some sleep and everyone is feeling better!

I finally got together a packet for you over the weekend, so I'll ship monday. smile

hope your little one's bday was good!
Today, I really need to get working on the two projects due this weekend. One is Still Life photos, the other is the first part of my final project.

For the Still Life, I'm trying to decide on what objects to use for it. I kind of wish Alan was here... I'd do downstairs and find my bible (it's mauve leather), see if Alan still...
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Best of luck with your projects! The door one sounds pretty interesting smile
Didn't get too much done today, but I did make about $20, which was better then what I was expecting! Granted, it's not as good as I need to do to get all everything done. But one step at a time, right?
I keep going over the math over and over, (yes I get obsessive about it); I need to do the ISM photos this...
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Ugh I hate teacher's that do that!
know what I think? you need to stop stressing so much about money. I know that's easier said than done... but you seem to go over it so much to the point that it's stressful. and I want you to be happy and peaceful!

how'd your City scape project go over with the teacher?

Happy Bday to the little one xoxoxoxoxo