Today we're packing all the stuff in our room... Tomorrow is check-out. I have no idea what's going to be going on tomorrow and after. It's all being rather off the hip. I'm hoping that tomorrow we'll be able to get the boat towed to the marina we're supposed to be moving to. We'll also be needing to try to start organizing the boat. There are bags of stuff everywhere, as we haven't actually started cleaning and using storage spaces at all... so they're filling the whole salon and we haven't even finished unpacking the truck.... Plus, in the middle of June, we're going to be driving back up to Philadelphia and getting Alan and more stuff... lol... I have a feeling that the empty engine box is going to end up being vital storage space... (Of course it also needs to be battery bank space too...

awesome pictures the last one is just lovely
Oh, my gosh you have so much exciting stuff going on! I can't believe it! I hope the move goes really well and that you get all of your spaces and places sorted soon. Your love of living on the water is very beautiful. That you can live there with your kids and your men is very impressive. Go go Wyoh!!