(Behind the spoiler is the pictures of my daughter in her gown... I'll be getting better ones at the wedding.
So, honey, Steve, needed to go to court again. He was told his ex said he'd been working on the internet and hadn't been paying his child support. Well, he hasn't been working. He just got a job last week... She is pushing for him to pay $2500 by November 20th. I have no idea how we're supposed to come up with that! The court officer said that if he made a "reasonable effort" he'd be ok. Oh, did I mention my older daughter's birthday is November 21?
AND my ex (Alan), took Monday off, and had the kids spend the night Sunday night. They had a great time, got new shoes, carved the pumpkins... all that. Well, today we heard that the woman who owns the shop under his apartment complained about the noise. She complained to the landlord and Alan's roommate. Meanwhile, she sometimes has her kid there and he yells and screams for hours! The good side of this is that the landlord told Alan he want's him to stay in the apartment and this won't have any effect on his being a tenant. I have no idea what's going to be done about it all... but Alan was saying that she'll just have to deal with the kids coming to visit!
The ways that people can be petty are simply gross. Thank goodness people can also be wonderful and amazing. It is a nice counter balance. It sounds like your ex stood up for your children and does right by them. That is great.
Wishing you the easiest resolution to all thorny things!
And doesn't your daughter look just like you? She's a peach!