Home again...
We're back home, have been for about a week. We're trying to get honey working... otherwise there will be the good ole child support issues again. And having played that game before, I don't want to play again. He's got one that will be there in September if he could wait that long, but alas, we can't. He just went yesterday to apply... Read More
Today we're packing all the stuff in our room... Tomorrow is check-out. I have no idea what's going to be going on tomorrow and after. It's all being rather off the hip. I'm hoping that tomorrow we'll be able to get the boat towed to the marina we're supposed to be moving to. We'll also be needing to try to start organizing the boat. There... Read More
Oh, my gosh you have so much exciting stuff going on! I can't believe it! I hope the move goes really well and that you get all of your spaces and places sorted soon. Your love of living on the water is very beautiful. That you can live there with your kids and your men is very impressive. Go go Wyoh!!
This weekend's going to be the last in the hotel. We're going to be moving the boat this week, (Tuesday or Wednesday). There's part of me that's super excited, and part of me just really worried... There's SO little space in that boat, and being in a marina, will be... well, interesting. (When I've been in a marina, I usually spend more time inside then... Read More
Been here a little over a week and loving Florida. Maybe it's cause it's been so long, maybe it's cause I really love the tropical environment, but everything seems to be better in Florida. Even the mall here seems to be better to me. Just waking up and looking at the window, I see palm trees... and it just brings me joy.
Well, I'm now in Florida! We got down here safely on Sunday, spent the first couple nights aboard the boat while we worked on figuring out what we were going to do. (It's illegal to live aboard in Cape Coral, where the boat is now.) We're now in an extended stay hotel. Of course the day after we got in here, the alternator in the... Read More
Thanks for all the positive! I'm not on FB - it just got to be too much! But you know I will be here patiently waiting for updates!! There is no SG app? I have a primitive phone so I don't even know about apps.
YAY! The count down has intensified...
I've now got my driver's license back. This was the last big step... After this I have to finish packing, and that's about it... Hubby's going to get the truck checked out for us. And we should be on our way by Friday...
It's making me even more thrilled I'm leaving. No one is trying to spend time with me before I go... Yeah, if i wanted a "going away' party at all, I'd have had to do I myself. To add to that, we had a couple friends stop by... they dropped something off and left, didn't even talk to us. ...Just another... Read More
So, we're another step closer. We got a good bit of packing done today. There's still more to do, but i'm spacing it out over the next couple days. I'm hoping we'll have pretty much everything, (except things we use every day) all packed by Saturday night... Then, as soon as we have my license, and Alan situated with a vehicle, we can leave. (We... Read More
So, here we go.... Just got through all the "have to do's"... Now, we're on to getting ready for the move. I'm trying to start getting details worked out. I was told that we might not be switching the car I'm taking into our names before we go. (Can you imagine driving out of state with a car belonging to your husband's boss? That might... Read More
Trying to keep my head on straight today. I have so much to do, and am running out of time. Todays "to do" list actually HAS TO get done today... and for some reason the stress of that is preventing me from doing it... (Is that why I'm here blogging instead of doing it?)
14: finish July's issue
15: 2nd shoot a wedding
16: edit... Read More