Well, the week was grand. I learned a ton, all sorts of cabs and styled-out crooks on and off of boxes. Provincials were fun, I battled my way down a suicidal BX course and into the finals, but got taken out as the girl beside me didnt clear one of the gapped rollers and came in 4th.
All in all, I managed to fall on my poor bum altogether too many times. Pictures in my candids. Also pictures of my ragingly wicked goggle tan: everyone this week is going to ask if my face is dirty, or just stare.
Actually, they may stare for another reason too: the cuts and bruising. I opted to play hooky yesterday, so instead of driving back to the city, I stayed out at the hill and went riding the superpipe with the boys. It was great, I totally felt like just one of the guys jibbing the boxes, rocking the pipe and generally enjoying the sunshine-beautiful-day-fresh-cut-pipe vibe.
My Kiwi snowboarder housemate decided I wasnt going big/fast enough in the pipe, got me to follow right on his tail, learning a more aggressive line at the walls. We looked pretty cool.. I was sticking right on his tail, and this guy goes large and me only a boardlength behind. On our third run through he dropped in really high and really fast. The first hit was this enormous frontside, definitely the highest Ive ever flown, way, way out of the superpipe. I stomped the landing, but caught toe edge on the way down the tranny. Ow. I wear my helmet all the time, but I fell slammed hard down forwards, onto chest and face: not protected by the helmet.
Broke my Oakleys in half. And they were a gift too. And they cut my forehead open, so in addition to the snow abrasion, I bled like a stuck pig from that. My nose will probably bruise up quite nicely too, although I was kind of half-hoping for a black eye, but I dont think that will happen.
Anyways, walking to campus today was bright and sunny and kitten-warm, and I cant think of anything but wanting to ride. I teach at a local hill every night this week but its small, and Im teaching.. so all in all, Ill probably miss snowboarding more rather than less, even though Im out doing it.
All in all, I managed to fall on my poor bum altogether too many times. Pictures in my candids. Also pictures of my ragingly wicked goggle tan: everyone this week is going to ask if my face is dirty, or just stare.
Actually, they may stare for another reason too: the cuts and bruising. I opted to play hooky yesterday, so instead of driving back to the city, I stayed out at the hill and went riding the superpipe with the boys. It was great, I totally felt like just one of the guys jibbing the boxes, rocking the pipe and generally enjoying the sunshine-beautiful-day-fresh-cut-pipe vibe.
My Kiwi snowboarder housemate decided I wasnt going big/fast enough in the pipe, got me to follow right on his tail, learning a more aggressive line at the walls. We looked pretty cool.. I was sticking right on his tail, and this guy goes large and me only a boardlength behind. On our third run through he dropped in really high and really fast. The first hit was this enormous frontside, definitely the highest Ive ever flown, way, way out of the superpipe. I stomped the landing, but caught toe edge on the way down the tranny. Ow. I wear my helmet all the time, but I fell slammed hard down forwards, onto chest and face: not protected by the helmet.
Broke my Oakleys in half. And they were a gift too. And they cut my forehead open, so in addition to the snow abrasion, I bled like a stuck pig from that. My nose will probably bruise up quite nicely too, although I was kind of half-hoping for a black eye, but I dont think that will happen.

Anyways, walking to campus today was bright and sunny and kitten-warm, and I cant think of anything but wanting to ride. I teach at a local hill every night this week but its small, and Im teaching.. so all in all, Ill probably miss snowboarding more rather than less, even though Im out doing it.
just all your riding bruises. but woo woo for some 360s up in dat shizt.
City folk have no manners....