oh great answers to my plato stuff. it really helped me grasp it fully. although i have one more question. it's about euthyphro..and socrates. when euthyphro was persecuting his father. the question is whether socrates thinks he is right to persecute his own father or not and explain? so far the book has segments of plato and it cuts off the arguments of socrates. so it doesn't give his final answer or opinion just him trying to pull out the definition of piety and impiety. ?

i'm glad my answers helped out.
what i remember from Euthyphro and Socrates is that socrates was shocked when he found out that euthyphro prosecuted his own father. then they went into this huge debate to see who is smarter. socrates said he would become euthyphro's student if he could answer his questions but that didn't happen and euthyphro left. umm i think the conclusion was that socrates wanted euthyphro to see why he was wrong and admit to his misunderstanding of piety and impiety. i'll look around and see if i can read it again.
I'm not being much help here, am I? I'll think on't.