Tonight was the second-to-last night of handgun class. Tomorrow we do our written test, shooting qualification, and that's it. We did more practice shooting tonight. Our instructor gave me one suggestion, to squeeze the trigger more with my fingertip, not wrap my finger so far around it. After that, I almost eliminated my pull to the right that I've been having. Here were my last 40 shots, 20 at 15' on the left, and 20 at 21' on the right.
Obviously I still have a couple of shots that went off some, but my consistency took a huge improvement, and I'm getting better every time I shoot. This is way more accurate than what we have to do for qualification, so I'm not worried about that at all. Oh yeah, for perspective, those red squares are 2" x 2".
Our instructor has already mentioned a class he's going to do next, dealing with personal protection, shooting from cover, shooting from conceal, clearing rooms, and so forth. It sounds really cool, and hopefully, scheduling and funds permitting, I will be taking that class. It might be as soon as November, he said. I'm definitely interested in doing more stuff with guns, aside from, of course, continuing to go to the range at least once a week on my own to practice.
So between several things on my mind lately, I totally spaced some advertising deadlines that were coming right up, like... tomorrow... luckily, the lady from one of the publications called with a reminder. So I got my mom to tell me what she wanted for our coupons for these ads, and busted through those today. I've gotten a lot faster at my Quark Express!
I don't really have the kinds of photos I would prefer to be using for these, but I have some that work ok, the ads came out nice enough, and I will have to try and get more photos taken as I have the opportunity. Birds in summer, birds in winter... birds, birds! Anyway, the ads are emailed to the people they need to be, and hopefully I will hear back if they get them, and see the proofs soon.
Tonight, I guess I'm not working out. I should... but then again I didn't think I was going to go last night, and I did, so fair enough. I have to be up pretty early tomorrow, so I'm thinking it's better to try and get some sleep, if possible. Actually, I have a busy next couple of days. I should be off Saturday still, though. So it's more than manageable. Staying busy up to a point is very good for me right now, and I am filling my days with things I really want to be doing.

Obviously I still have a couple of shots that went off some, but my consistency took a huge improvement, and I'm getting better every time I shoot. This is way more accurate than what we have to do for qualification, so I'm not worried about that at all. Oh yeah, for perspective, those red squares are 2" x 2".
Our instructor has already mentioned a class he's going to do next, dealing with personal protection, shooting from cover, shooting from conceal, clearing rooms, and so forth. It sounds really cool, and hopefully, scheduling and funds permitting, I will be taking that class. It might be as soon as November, he said. I'm definitely interested in doing more stuff with guns, aside from, of course, continuing to go to the range at least once a week on my own to practice.
So between several things on my mind lately, I totally spaced some advertising deadlines that were coming right up, like... tomorrow... luckily, the lady from one of the publications called with a reminder. So I got my mom to tell me what she wanted for our coupons for these ads, and busted through those today. I've gotten a lot faster at my Quark Express!
I don't really have the kinds of photos I would prefer to be using for these, but I have some that work ok, the ads came out nice enough, and I will have to try and get more photos taken as I have the opportunity. Birds in summer, birds in winter... birds, birds! Anyway, the ads are emailed to the people they need to be, and hopefully I will hear back if they get them, and see the proofs soon.
Tonight, I guess I'm not working out. I should... but then again I didn't think I was going to go last night, and I did, so fair enough. I have to be up pretty early tomorrow, so I'm thinking it's better to try and get some sleep, if possible. Actually, I have a busy next couple of days. I should be off Saturday still, though. So it's more than manageable. Staying busy up to a point is very good for me right now, and I am filling my days with things I really want to be doing.