Did something this morning that I rarely do: After my alarm went off, I reset it and went back to sleep for another 15 minutes that felt like 15 seconds.
I'm feeling decently rested this morning, it's just that I had this decidedly unpleasant dream that I'll write out later. Not a nightmare in the traditional "horror" or scary or being chased sense, not involving any people I know, just a very unpleasant situation. Or, maybe I'll be fortunate and it'll fade as the day goes, and I won't have a strong feeling left from or any need left to write about it later.
I'm feeling decently rested this morning, it's just that I had this decidedly unpleasant dream that I'll write out later. Not a nightmare in the traditional "horror" or scary or being chased sense, not involving any people I know, just a very unpleasant situation. Or, maybe I'll be fortunate and it'll fade as the day goes, and I won't have a strong feeling left from or any need left to write about it later.
The traditional nightmares, I used to have a lot and I got to where I would yell myself awake just in time before the "bad thing" could get me!
Anyway... may there be sweeter dreams all around.