Warning: below is a really long journal entry, because I'm uberbored and yeah. I like to think people want to hear this crap. Yeah, right.
I just took my third pregnancy test in a month and a half.
Negatory. So what's up with this? I haven't had the "MONTHLIES" in over two months. {:\
Ok, body....if I'm not preggers, at least give me my rag so I can get it the fuck over with and stop worrying about cysts and tumors and CANCAAAAH. Heh.
Durn. I would have been unimaginably stoked if it had come up positive. Heehee.
So right now I'm sitting around with the dog (he's 1/2 pitbull, 1/2 boxer...he comes up to my hipbones and weighs about 100lbs. DON'T FUCK WITH ME, MY DOG WILL EAT YOU &hearts
, smoking a bowl and perusing the cable channels looking for something to watch. 48 Hours Mystery isn't on for another twenty minutes or so. Beh.
Anyone care to guess how many times I've left my house in the past month? Probably six times, and four of those were grocery shopping. Yep, one trip to the movies to see Lord of War, and one trip out to Grandview to pick up smoke.
God. I am fucking pathetic. Not being able to drive, not having a job, not going to school, not having any damned friends. I'm freaking lame. So bored. So boring. I don't even want to put on makeup and take pix to share because I don't have the software to download them onto this laptop...so no one will see them but me. CRY.
I know that I want to go see Corpse Bride (maybe tomorrow at Barrywoods in the early evening, anyone else want to meet up?), and I'm definately going to the burlesque show on the 24th of October. I need to make it to RenFest before it's over this year and get my yearly turkey leg. God I love those things. This is all I have planned for...the month.
Oh, I have to go to court on the 4th for my DUI last month, too. THAT should be fun. I have no money to pay any fines, and my mom will be in NOLA until the 16th. That means I'll probably have to get a continuance if I have to pay fines. GOD. I just want that crap to be over so I can get my liscence back and get a fucking job so I can get out of the house.
I also need to get signed up for school in spring (GASP!!!! I'm going back to school after 5 1/2 years!!) and sign up for all the basic classes that I'll need for prereqs, plus my sign classes. Those are always fun, though, it's not even like a class to me. Hopefully I will meet some new people in school to hang out with...I miss having a group of friends to go out and do stupid things with. I miss going to Denny's in the middle of the night for coffee, driving around singing loudly to MM (aaah, 1998, how I miss you), tipping over PortAPotties and making a run for it, walking around the Plaza and taking pictures of crazy shit, going to the mall just to look around...hell, I miss talking to people on the phone. That's WIERD for me, because I'm usually crap on the phone unless I've been drinking. I prefer to talk in person.
Ok, enough crap now. I think I'm just going to make this into my main journal now, since I actually have met some of y'all in person. Not to mention I'd hang out with you fuckers anytime I could, since you're cool and all.
Gimmie some love.

I just took my third pregnancy test in a month and a half.
Negatory. So what's up with this? I haven't had the "MONTHLIES" in over two months. {:\
Ok, body....if I'm not preggers, at least give me my rag so I can get it the fuck over with and stop worrying about cysts and tumors and CANCAAAAH. Heh.
Durn. I would have been unimaginably stoked if it had come up positive. Heehee.
So right now I'm sitting around with the dog (he's 1/2 pitbull, 1/2 boxer...he comes up to my hipbones and weighs about 100lbs. DON'T FUCK WITH ME, MY DOG WILL EAT YOU &hearts

Anyone care to guess how many times I've left my house in the past month? Probably six times, and four of those were grocery shopping. Yep, one trip to the movies to see Lord of War, and one trip out to Grandview to pick up smoke.
God. I am fucking pathetic. Not being able to drive, not having a job, not going to school, not having any damned friends. I'm freaking lame. So bored. So boring. I don't even want to put on makeup and take pix to share because I don't have the software to download them onto this laptop...so no one will see them but me. CRY.

I know that I want to go see Corpse Bride (maybe tomorrow at Barrywoods in the early evening, anyone else want to meet up?), and I'm definately going to the burlesque show on the 24th of October. I need to make it to RenFest before it's over this year and get my yearly turkey leg. God I love those things. This is all I have planned for...the month.

Oh, I have to go to court on the 4th for my DUI last month, too. THAT should be fun. I have no money to pay any fines, and my mom will be in NOLA until the 16th. That means I'll probably have to get a continuance if I have to pay fines. GOD. I just want that crap to be over so I can get my liscence back and get a fucking job so I can get out of the house.
I also need to get signed up for school in spring (GASP!!!! I'm going back to school after 5 1/2 years!!) and sign up for all the basic classes that I'll need for prereqs, plus my sign classes. Those are always fun, though, it's not even like a class to me. Hopefully I will meet some new people in school to hang out with...I miss having a group of friends to go out and do stupid things with. I miss going to Denny's in the middle of the night for coffee, driving around singing loudly to MM (aaah, 1998, how I miss you), tipping over PortAPotties and making a run for it, walking around the Plaza and taking pictures of crazy shit, going to the mall just to look around...hell, I miss talking to people on the phone. That's WIERD for me, because I'm usually crap on the phone unless I've been drinking. I prefer to talk in person.
Ok, enough crap now. I think I'm just going to make this into my main journal now, since I actually have met some of y'all in person. Not to mention I'd hang out with you fuckers anytime I could, since you're cool and all.

Gimmie some love.

I pride myself on not being annoying, but I'm kinda quiet at first.. eh. You seem like a person myself and my boyfriend would like, at least. :p
I don't really like talking on the phone, either, I end up doing something else and then I get distracted and act like a douchebag.