Spending time with my girl was so much fun. I LOST MY FUCKING CAMERA for the entire duration of her visit. However, I shall find some others of her and me to share. <3
We went shopping at Oak Park Mall last night for about three hours, (finding about two gifts and a zillion things for us) and then went to Applebee's for drinks and dinner. So Kansas City. Hahaha.
I'm thinking about taking some of my newly acquired money to visit her in Hawaii this spring or summer. What an adventure THAT would be. I haven't taken a trip by myself since...err...I was seventeen. That trip ruled, however.
I need to get this goddamned movie I didn't even watch back to the video store. I should take it back tonight instead of suffering the two dollar late fee wrath, but honestly, it's not worth the drive tonight. I'll be closer after I leave work tomorrow. Bleh.
I was supposed to go out for drinks tonight with a friend, but my mom's fucking idiot boyfriend didn't want to get off his fat ass and bring the phone to me, and REFUSED to take a message of where I could call him. So that got way fucked. Asshole.
I need to go pick up some dinner because I am now starving, and perhaps go by the liquor store so I can get some fucking alcohol. Err. Maybe not. I probably won't decide until I drive by.
I suck.
Spending time with my girl was so much fun. I LOST MY FUCKING CAMERA for the entire duration of her visit. However, I shall find some others of her and me to share. <3
We went shopping at Oak Park Mall last night for about three hours, (finding about two gifts and a zillion things for us) and then went to Applebee's for drinks and dinner. So Kansas City. Hahaha.
I'm thinking about taking some of my newly acquired money to visit her in Hawaii this spring or summer. What an adventure THAT would be. I haven't taken a trip by myself since...err...I was seventeen. That trip ruled, however.
I need to get this goddamned movie I didn't even watch back to the video store. I should take it back tonight instead of suffering the two dollar late fee wrath, but honestly, it's not worth the drive tonight. I'll be closer after I leave work tomorrow. Bleh.
I was supposed to go out for drinks tonight with a friend, but my mom's fucking idiot boyfriend didn't want to get off his fat ass and bring the phone to me, and REFUSED to take a message of where I could call him. So that got way fucked. Asshole.
I need to go pick up some dinner because I am now starving, and perhaps go by the liquor store so I can get some fucking alcohol. Err. Maybe not. I probably won't decide until I drive by.
I suck.
s'ok. besos to you and i hope you have a merry merry christmas.