Well, it's been a good long while since my first blog entry, my nephew says it's really not a blog unless you add new entries to it so here I am, trying to write something new and having no idea what to write about!
So I guess I'll just do a rundown of the last few months. I spent all of Janury on crutches due to my previously mentioned knee injury (tripped on a crack in the sidewalk and hyper-extended my right knee catching myself so I wouldn't face plant on the cement the night before New Years Eve) wasn't so bad once I got into my DVR's memory, watched a lot of Swamp People as well as back episodes of Blue Bloods and Hawaii 5-0!
Got an MRI in February, nothing needed surgery thank God! Of course by that time I was off the crutches and out of the knee immobilizer, I really hated that thing, but if you pay the Doc for his advice you ought to listen to him! So the right knee is pretty much back to normal, I just need to wear a hinged brace on it if I'm going to be walking around all day; there are worse things. Finally got cleared to go back to work on February 28th, boy was I glad too! I was going stir crazy at home!
March was uneventful, just rebuilding my savings account and unfortunately having to deal with a misinformed person at work, but we worked it out and are able to have a respectful and professional relationship while we work together so that's good. Of course the best part of being off work for 2 months was that I got to hang out with my close friend Bob-o and his granddaughters more often than I have in a while, love those girls!!! They're growing up to be incredible young ladies!
I also managed to get started buying parts to rebuild the front suspension on my truck, it'll be nice to get that finished soon so I don't have to bug people for rides and be able to help out my housemates with errands and stuff, like I used to before the truck got hung up.
April looks to be like its going to be more of March, just working and saving to get the stuff I need to get done. I did put in for a new job at the University of Hawaii Manoa campus, Bob-o works there and told me about some openings coming up, it pays better than I'm getting now so if I get the job it'll be easier for me to get the truck going again and accomplish other things I want.
Hope this finds all of you well and happy