From the site:
This book is the first in a series intended to reveal the truth about humanity, from our creation to our present state of corruption and dissonance. One of the goals is to present the terrifying weaponry developed by the shadow government of the United States, and the horrible people that hold total control over it without having to answer to anyone.
Jack Silverbrook lives and works in the town of Chatham, Cape Cod. Recently split from his long time girlfriend Lorelei Barton, he lives in a small cottage in the center of a seasonal area. In response to the break, Lorelei moved north of Boston to pursue her career, lamenting the separation from her family and loved ones.
James Ironsmith is an Afghanistan War veteran, struggling to cope with the traumatic events that he endured while serving the United States abroad.
A brutal upbringing on the streets of Dorchester Massachusetts carved Willy and Katelyn Cutter into survivors long before the calamity, as they move from one area to the next, running from the trouble that chases them in their wake.
Daisuke Kurosawa is a professor on the verge of retirement, living out the remainder of his teaching days on Cape Cod with his wife while working at the local college.
Ruby Pinkerton and her son Noah live in the basement apartment of a dilapidated home in Chatham. Their upstairs neighbor is a criminal drug addict that regularly assaults them verbally, with an increasingly threatening intent.
Everyone's life stops on a dime in the middle of an especially cold February night when an electromagnetic pulse disables all electronic equipment. The catastrophic event simultaneously disrupts and corrupts the minds of most people, reverting them back to a violent animal state. Few people are left unaffected by the blast, and are instantly forced to survive or die, as they are attacked by the afflicted and the frozen winter elements.
Over time, speculation into the cause of the global destruction reveals the name of an archaic family that has ruled over mankind since the time of the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia. This family, the Hapschilds, are found to have been in control of the world in the past overtly through the utilization of monarchies and religion, transforming into a covert means of rule through the manipulation of international finance in the present.
Zecharia Sitchin and Michael Tellinger were right about their research into the ancient alien species that modified life on earth to suit their needs. Known as the Annunaki, this race of giants from an unseen planet in our solar system bestowed a divine right to rule over mankind into the Hapschilds' hands, a holy responsibility that the corrupt family has maintained with a cult-like religious zeal since the Annunaki left the planet thousands of years ago.
Anticipating the return of their godly masters, the Hapschilds help to herald their arrival by unleashing a devastating weapon on the world in order to bring mankind to their knees in worship of their gods. The High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, is utilized to affect the minds of humans, with a massively high success ratio. The frequency alters the minds of the masses, assuming control over their bodies while disrupting all electrical equipment.
Daisuke, Willy, Katelyn, Ruby, Noah, James, Lorelei, Jack and their families are left to battle with nature and the afflicted, as they fight to unite and survive in the terrible new world as they await the return of the Annunaki.
Decades of research into subjects such as HAARP, ancient alien astronaut theory, forbidden history, out of place artifacts, international finance, UFOs, the banking cabal, the petro-dollar, the Annunaki, Nibiru, EMPs, zombies, consciousness, the pineal gland, the third eye, meditation, ancient monolithic sites and survival has brought me to the completion of this novel. It is the first in a series of many, which will delve deeper into these subjects, exposing the true histories and current illusions of humanity.
With each work in the series, I plan to illuminate different real-world crises as I see fit. In Wychmere, we explore Tanzania, Africa, where albino people are hunted and sold like a commodity. We also are exposed to Sudan, and the ongoing genocide and war crimes that plague the area. Each is an example of actual terror that all of us need to be aware of.
Please buckle up your tin foil hats and enjoy the ride, as we explore the possibilities in a world of devastating weaponry.
The book is available now through Amazon for free with your 30-day trial of Kindle unlimited.