I have found that low alcohol content beer and Radler's, finally, freeze when it's below 10 F. Woke up this morning to 8 F/-13 C. It's freakin' cold out. I looked out on the back balcony to see a number of the beer bottles (normal in Germany to use our balconies as refrigerators in the cooler weather) blown up or leaking. Damn! A complete lack of respect for beer.
It's actually too cold to bother going to the gym tonight. Hate it when that happens. Instead, we might venture to Ikea in the neue Auto.
It's actually too cold to bother going to the gym tonight. Hate it when that happens. Instead, we might venture to Ikea in the neue Auto.
[Edited on Jan 24, 2006 5:35PM]
yeah, i'm not so into the journal thingie.
how ya liking germany? did you meet a nasty butcher frau yet?