Quick new post just to tell y'all that I'm alive. I think that I'm growing gills, but that's due to the incredible amount of rain that we've had lately. It's rained every day of August thus far. Fuck, I'm tired of rain. Just a day or two out of the rain would be quite pleasant.
Next weekend we're off to Stockholm for the Single Speed...
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Next weekend we're off to Stockholm for the Single Speed...
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Thanks a lot for your comment on my set! It's really appreciated

Hey, that's alright. How are things going for you?
As you can see, I'm not around much right now. That may well change in the next few weeks, but I worked 72 hours last week. Ugh! Doesn't leave much time for chatting with friends and checking out the lovely ladies here. Sorry gang.
Every other day or so I do a quicky post on Wunnspeed Myspace
Otherwise, check out how my life's going on...
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Every other day or so I do a quicky post on Wunnspeed Myspace
Otherwise, check out how my life's going on...
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Meh, sucks to have to work that much in this heat. Sorry for not getting back you. Everything's swell over here. The recordings are pretty much done except for some overdubs. But the record will not come out til next year, cause we're a little short of money and there's another record comnig out first. Anyway, enjoy the sun and don't fall off your bike!
Love the pictures in the mountains! I've been busy as well and haven't responded in a while. I guess it's better to work a lot than to not have any work at all!!
Glad you are well.

thank you...i for some sick reason thought it was hysterical too.
Nice shoes.
Yeah, I also find the WC very enjoyable. Great atmosphere in the city. A lot more relaxed than I expected. And the german team is much better than I thought they would be.
Recording is really easy, actually. This is the first time we're recording as a full group in our practice space/studio, which we have had for two years now and the place is just really comfortable. No distractions, no stress. It's great.
So yeah, everything's hunky dory, except I got this girl stuck in my head and I'm not sure what to do about it. Ah, I guess, time will tell.
So how's your job?
Yeah, I also find the WC very enjoyable. Great atmosphere in the city. A lot more relaxed than I expected. And the german team is much better than I thought they would be.
Recording is really easy, actually. This is the first time we're recording as a full group in our practice space/studio, which we have had for two years now and the place is just really comfortable. No distractions, no stress. It's great.
So yeah, everything's hunky dory, except I got this girl stuck in my head and I'm not sure what to do about it. Ah, I guess, time will tell.
So how's your job?
Well, first day of work was pretty o.k. I pretty much played tourist for the day and got paid. In fact, made $30+ in tips alone. Only thing was that it rained like a mother all day.
Beyond that, I got to wander around this part of the world.. Neuschwanstein which is beyond beautiful. It's really crappy in Germany on the whole right now. So,...
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Beyond that, I got to wander around this part of the world.. Neuschwanstein which is beyond beautiful. It's really crappy in Germany on the whole right now. So,...
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Ha HA you got beat by a girl. LOL. I am always glad to hear about you getting out and riding. As for the guy I am gonna give up. He is not the one.
I'm jealous you're in Germany right now. I'm going to be there for 3 days this fall though...yeah, oktoberfest!
thanks for commenting on my set
thanks for commenting on my set

So, been a few days since I've updated. Been playing on mywastedspace a lot since I found that a number of old Kansas City friends are on there.
You can hop over there for a bit if you have an interest My MySpace page
Otherwise, just an interview for a job that I may find out before the end of the week about. Need to...
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You can hop over there for a bit if you have an interest My MySpace page
Otherwise, just an interview for a job that I may find out before the end of the week about. Need to...
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thanx for the comment on my first set

Today... is my birthday! Old 44... doppel vier.
Getting cycling presents and going out for Mexican (in Mnich) for dinner.
Have a great weekend folks!!
Getting cycling presents and going out for Mexican (in Mnich) for dinner.
Have a great weekend folks!!

That's what we call a Schnappszahl. Means drinks are on you. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
So, did the race. Didn't do as well as I'd hoped, but I ended up 97th out of 159 in my class (Masters). I think that I was one of only 2 single-speeds out there though. That put me in really bad position do to the long run from the start to the beginning of the mountain.
Once there... 3 hours of climbing was in...
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Once there... 3 hours of climbing was in...
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as the vegas show offs plan to rule the world, im sure, they will shake their asses in munich, soon.

Makes me happy to hear that like it here.
Well crap! I got my official rejection letter from the ESL cert. folks. That didn't really improve my mood for that day. However, as always, we survive.
I head off to the airport in a few to pick up my in-law's who are coming in from Seattle for a couple of weeks. They're really great people. That helps considerably! Basically, like having friends over for...
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I head off to the airport in a few to pick up my in-law's who are coming in from Seattle for a couple of weeks. They're really great people. That helps considerably! Basically, like having friends over for...
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Haha that pictures is class.
Good luck with the inlaws.. you have my sympathy!
Feel free to bother me over MySpace anytime hunni. x x
Good luck with the inlaws.. you have my sympathy!
Feel free to bother me over MySpace anytime hunni. x x
Well, still haven't heard anything about the ESL classes. So, in leiu of that, I sent off an email to Mike's Bikes, in Munich, about becoming a tour guide for them. We'll see. I need to do something to keep me busy or I'll go crazy after I get done with school in 2 weeks.
I've managed to get in 100+ miles of riding in...
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I've managed to get in 100+ miles of riding in...
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why do you think I am popular?
Danke frs Vorbeischauen.
Think I saw you before the show but I was too nervous to really talk to anybody then, didn't see you afterwards. Else I would've said hi. Well, another time.
I was the guy with the hat in the back row playing congas and percussion. We had a great time. I came home around seven in the morning.
Think I saw you before the show but I was too nervous to really talk to anybody then, didn't see you afterwards. Else I would've said hi. Well, another time.
I was the guy with the hat in the back row playing congas and percussion. We had a great time. I came home around seven in the morning.
So the Nashville Pussy show... they were great! I have to say, the two opening bands were some of the worst that I've heard in a very long time. Bad enough that people were throwing beer cups (full) at them.
Again, NP was great! In spite of some idiot jumping on stage and stealing Ruyter's cowboy hat. That brought things to a screeching halt in...
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Again, NP was great! In spite of some idiot jumping on stage and stealing Ruyter's cowboy hat. That brought things to a screeching halt in...
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Well, off to go see Nashville Pussy with friends and the wife tonight. Ought to be good fun. Haven't been to a concert in Mnich, yet. It's also been eons since I've seen this band.
Hope to get some good riding in this weekend and we're having some friends over on Sunday night. Yes, we're all heathins!
Have a great Easter weekend gang.
Hope to get some good riding in this weekend and we're having some friends over on Sunday night. Yes, we're all heathins!
Have a great Easter weekend gang.
OOhhh sounds like fun. Have a good time. I have always wanted to see them live. Let me know how it was!
So you're responsible for the weather? I'm going to call the immigration office.
Ich drck die Daumen for your ESL class.
Ich drck die Daumen for your ESL class.
And today you felt like snowboarding and Zing! it started snowing? Stop it, please.
And ... yeah! I finally figured out how to work those jedi mind tricks with the ladys.
And ... yeah! I finally figured out how to work those jedi mind tricks with the ladys.