So i sit hear once again blind lost with out hope. My ears hear all and show me the way. I move through the darkness with deaft persion and ablity.
hey you yeah you I am looking right at you come here. Have you thought about what your going to be for holloween? ARRR!!!
Heh... yeah, I'm totally loving my new found and ever-growing ability to squirt... though I'm guna have to be more careful in future or I may knock myself out or something equally more serious than just a bump on the head! whatever
Inside my shadows I have the light of love and the blackness of hate together they are passion may it flow from me forever.
So I asked her to lunch today she couldn't go she had other plans. It wasn't a no at least. She even said some other time.
I don't know what is wrong with me I can be shot at have a knife pulled on me, the the crap beaten out of me my life threatened, hit by a car and not blink. But when it comes to asking a girl out I have no curage. whatever
That's alright. Alot of guys are intimidated by chics that they are interested in. smile You'll work up the courage when you're ready
awwww! biggrin That's so cute

You know it's a sa day when you imaginary friends grow up and get real jobs and leave you behind. frown
tongue kiss kiss
You know the hardest thing about haveing super powers? Figuring out witch side your on after all right and wrong is just based on perseption. shocked
tongue tongue tongue wink kiss
that's right I am BedTime Bear! So cuddle up with. blackeyed
lol biggrin *HUGS*