So I fell in love with a girl with in about a day. Only to be heart broken the next.
Females are evil. Could have toldyou that. Never heard of the play but I'll have to look into it. smile
I know girls are evil...... I guess that why I like them so much. Oh what ever am I to do?
So lastnight was strange. It was the first time that I ever hooked up with some one after just meeting them a few days before. I have never done that before. Oh well That ws the highlight of the weekend Becuse everything else sucked. Like being -$120 with my checking account and today being sick becuase I was up all night.
haha really? That's a coincidence!
wow a girl actualy huddled against me for warmth to night.
So tonight I learned that I am a Cowered. The girl that I liked was at a birthday party that I was at. She looked incredibly beautiful. I couldnt even walk over and say hello or tell her she looked nice like I wanted to she took my words away and I was left with a dry empty mouth. It did help that I felt...
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Not to sound dumb, but you coul've pictured her as someone else, so it would be easier to talk to her. Or drank a crapload of alcohol. kiss kiss kiss I have a Q for you on my journal. wink biggrin
So right now my hand iches like crazy. That's because I have a whole lot of glass pices the size of sand or smaller stuck in it. I was opening a borrtle of wine at work when I crushed the top of the bottle with my hand. I didn't even feel a thing. Stupid things like that have been I happening a lot lately. I...
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I will never understand how being nice gets me into the strange things that happen to me. I did something nice for another. then I had time to kill so I went and stoped by well I young lady I am trying to get to know. I was going to ask her if she would like to come over and have dinner with me but...
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sick? like puke , sick?
Yeah sick like sick
Beauty is only skin deep but i don't plan on going any deeper than that. ARRR!!!
Well I missed shindown and theiroy of a dead man but I did get to see My chemical Romance. The show was greate what I did get to see.
Cool. My chemical romance rocks. biggrin kiss kiss