Sorry to all my friends I have moved 2 months ago and I now have no home computer it's a bummer but I will catch up with every one sooner or later. ooo aaa
Like I said before I don't know if any onereads these. But the girl I like se likes me too. God I feel as giddy as a school girl the night before the dance. love
So I am a coward. I lack the ability to speak of how i feel. In that fear lies my shame. I try to live up to my code but lack in this I stay strong in so many other ways. but lack in the one that maters most being truthful to myself. Thank you Karito chan you made my day better by asking. shocked
So death was following me today I saw him standing there he stick out like a swore thumb. It watched me then we watched the dolphins swim while the girls talked. He left with a old guy in a speedo frightning. puke
I don't know... We're supposed to need a reason, aren't we?


OMG! is that true? shocked
It did smile
Hope yer day was good as well
WEll since my Birthday went so porly last weekend I would try again. So Friday I am having a Psydo Birthday ARRR!!!
Well today is the day. Why do my birthdays always suck? blackeyed I was out trying to have a good time last night and that failed. I had a ranger try and pick a fight with last night for no reason. I could have taken him after all he was drunk, I was worried about the 5 or more other that would come when he yeld...
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Happy Happy Birthday smile
Have a Rock'n'Roll day!

I really hope your birthday doesn't suck kiss
skull bye bye
I don't know who reads this?
What is your greatest mystery?
So I am getting older this weekend and I don't know what I want to do.
hahha I was thinking the same smile

Oh, soon it will be your birthday... hmm go to a strip club?
Idk, I suck at this blackeyed
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin kiss kiss kiss
So I am getting older this weekend and I don't know what I want to do.
SO I am going crazy Because I have had 12 hours sleep for the last 5 days and I am still having trouble trying to sleep. My mind is way to active. I am worried where I am going to get my down payment for my house that I am trying ro buy. it totaly suck.
So I feel that there is a gaping hole in me. I try to fill it only to watch every thing fall in to the darkness. I am nothing and from me everything is born.
interesting. kiss kiss love
So yeah I up dated my self and surprised a lot of people with the new look. My friends don't reconise me now weird. surreal
So I fell through space yesterday and cut myself on time. I blead truth and anger. I watched with the eyes of a child as my inosence leaks away. I bandaged myself with happyness lies to heal for an other day.